I'm alive and well #3

Today is a gift to me and I accept it in good fate. The sun rose from the East this morning brightly as if it would be a sunny day, so I decided to do the laundry. It took quite a while for me to finish up and hang them on the rope to dry.

Sooner than later however, the bright morning sun began to reduce it's brightness. The clouds in the sky were becoming darker and darker.

I'm sure by now you can guess what happened shortly after.
Check it out on the image below:

The clouds began to release the vapour, lolz... English will not kill us o.

From the picture above, you can see I didn't allow the water pouring from the roof of the house to just waste. I quickly arranged all the available basin, bucket and other containers to collect the free gift of God to mankind.

Hey, do you know I like drinking rain water? I hope you do too. It is one of the most refreshing sources of water. The only issue is make sure the zinc or roof you are collecting from is properly washed and clean o, don't say I didn't tell you, lolz quite serious right?

Mmmhmmm about the clothes? Ahh, of course they never got the chance to dry at all. I just packed them in, I'll try again tomorrow.

Hope you enjoyed reading the story of my day? Thank God we are alive and thank you for being there.

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