To the 98yo Christ, Lord, I Am.

How ya’ doing you crazed, spiritual, psychedelic fruit loop. Do you still believe that you are a divine being, in what would be the year of their lord 2064?
Remember, you made that promise to yourself when you were a young man of 50, that these posts were going to be read and shared anew by the you that is me when you were 98, making this the year 2064, 2 years off your 100yo birth date. Not only that, but at the time of you writing this in 2016, you believe that with the power of positive technology, positive lifestyle, and our spiritual belief, that we will live to be healthy, wealthy and awesome, to at least 120.
What's happening to the drug of the "masses" in your day and age old cock. Are they still using religion as a form of mind control that’s dumbing down the populace? Don't tell me, Jesus has finally returned and the anti-Christ has been defeated and that you are living in the “1000 years of peace”. That would totally fuck with my reality cunt! Actually, you telling me anything would be a total twilight zone moment. Time travel anyone!
But back on topic. As you might remember, and possibly what the world wants to forget 48 years from now, is that even amongst the most ardent, tin foil hat wearing, full blown conspiracy, fringe dwelling channelers of other dimensional alien beings, there was echoing in the chambers of truthers; apocalyptics. Those who clung to religion and the second coming of Christ, even while exposing the actions of big pharma, or corrupt government, or a Jesuit controlled Hollywood. In fact, they could even tie all of it together from biblical prophecy, end time warnings and evidence of satanic uprisings.
Of course we understood that there was an agenda for religious control over the populace, driven by fear from Muslim-Christian turmoil and terrorism propaganda, perpetuated by ignorance from those that followed those religions. Not to mention those who used devil worship, satanic rituals and religion as an excuse for perverse sexual acts and for horrendous abuse of children. And it sure was fucked up to see perfectly reasonable, intelligent folk give their power away to prophetic belief and religious zealotry.
But the truth of spiritual and sacred messages seemed to always be seeping into the swamp of our consciousness, probably due to the catholic upbringing, with the appropriate influences being caught in drug fucked, tie dyed, grey matter quagmire.
We realized that Jesus, Buddha, Mohamad, whom ever; were all saying the same things, but some of the dickheads and fallopianfaces just don’t have the ears that can listen or the intelligent perception to discern truth.
That truth being, we are all GOD.
Now I know “god” is a term that has always set your teeth on the very edge of falling into your soup bowl but you were starting to come to terms with it in 2016 so you should be well over any prejudice against it now, so let’s move forward shall we?
The God of the old testament, yeah, that ancient text that all the major religions follow and misread, has the retold story of Moses when he frees the Israelites from the Egyptians. The original story being from the most ancient of writings, Sumerian, that of freeing the hybrid alien/humanoid from the Annunaki but that’s a story for another time.
So after God has told Moses that he should be the leader of the Israelites and free them from slavery he asks God, who should I say has told me to do these things. And God says: Tell them the God I Am has sent you… BAM!
The God I Am.
Could this be any simpler to understand? We are fucking GOD. All of us! It is up to us too free ourselves from any slavery, be it within or without!
So if we are god then what was Jesus on about. Didn’t he say he was god. Nuh uh. All he said was that he was the son of man. In fact, Jesus said we are all gods! Anyone who doesn’t believe us, go get a bible and check for yourself. I’m writing this to me, and I know its in there! So when Jesus said, I Am the way the truth and the light, it now has a whole new spin on it. Christ is within all of us as the embodiment of what we can achieve while on this plain.
Now “wisdom” in the Old Testament is female, with the masculine being all vengeful, fearful and angry. (I know hell knows no wrath like a woman’s but I’m quoting the bible not Shakespeare.) The Lord is also good or bad depending on the circumstances. The lord gives and the lord takes away. The origins of “lord” is from the rising and leveling of bread. The lord being the great leveler. The lord is the same as the law of Karma. This law = Lord. The lord is the Karmic Law. That’s why when shit happens it happens because it was meant to as an essential part of what is required for us to grow.
Grow! Grow what??
Love of course.
That’s the whole reason for our being. We are God, God is Love so we are love. But the light of love can’t shine when it is only light it needs the darkness and the blockages to cast shadows so it can actualize and increase its light. And that’s what it is we are doing with our pain and tribulations, still shining and increasing the light and love of the god we are through the adventure and adversity of this third dimensional existence.
So that’s where you used to stand Ol’ Christos and hopefully that’s where you still stand and were everyone else stands.
Or not…

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