Storm coming and nowhere to go

Well it's official I'm screwed! Apparently there is a storm coming and me and my dogs have nowhere to go.
On August 20, 2022 my van/home caught fire and I lost everything. And I still have nowhere to go and no one that can or will help me. Even 211 service in my area won't help cause a have animals. I'm alone and nowhere to go and no money to get a motel room to shelter from this storm that they say is coming. At this time I'm sitting at the park, but I maybe the only one to be here today as I'm sure others in my situation have a place they can go.
I really don't know what to do at this point as I've only had one donation to my gofundme and nothing else has come in.
I have even asked that any further donations be made to my PayPal So that no one front or back gets charged for their kindness in my time of need.

I just don't know what to do anymore as I do/did what I could for others and now when I am in need no help can be found!!

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