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How Liberals Are Made


Ah, Liberals- what can you say... Without them there would be no global warming, flat earth theory, or Democratic Party for that matter... After all somebody has to believe all the bullshit that normal people see through so easily!With a wide-eyed childlike innocence they blindly follow after any ridiculous theory, no matter how ridiculous it sounds. Convinced they have all the answers to the world's problems, they gather outside with their signs and t-shirts, chanting foolish (but noble sounding) slogans with mind numbing repetition.

Having excelled in a school system designed to make them feel good about their ignorance, they're turned loose on the world to wreak mayhem and mirth upon a world weary of their foolishness. Where do they come from? Why are they here? What will become of them as they encounter life's difficult decisions...
disposal-1846033_960_720.jpg Gary Larson: Courtesy- Pinterest

But the real issue is what can be done to help them as they struggle through life blinded by their own brilliance... Or can they even be helped???

Responding only to mass hysteria and promises of "free shit," they clutter the streets and disability rolls... after all how can you be expected to work with the threat of the ice caps melting in the next few weeks... I also understand that the Law of Gravity has just been repealed- what to do, what to do? Well, if we can't cure them, maybe we can at least...

GIF by @papa-pepper
