It is said that humanity has no religion and no boundaries ,but there are some great souls, who practically prove it.
DR.RUTH KATHARINA MARTHA PFAU,is one of those saint souls who dedicated her whole life to fight against leprosy in Pakistan.Ruth Pfau was born in Leipzig,Germany on 9th September,1929.she escaped to west Germany after the occupation of soviets on East Germany during World War II.she chose medicine and studied at the University Of 20638620_1434503323295567_7469577850084627245_n.jpg.

She came Pakistan, and travelled various cities to treat leprosy patients but she stuck in Karachi.After this,she never looked back.She left everything and everyone she had,her country,siblings,her love,everything.she gave atleast 55 years of her life to the patients of leprosy in Pakistan.

Due to her sincere efforts and services towards the country people,she was awarded Pakistani citizenship by the Govt.of Pakistan in 1998.
She worked tirelessly and made Pakistan ,one of the first Asian country who controlled leprosy very frequently,in 1996 by WHO.she was awarded and rewarded multiple numbers of time by the Govt. ,people and different health organisations of Pakistan.she also got one of the most respected and the highest awards Sitar-e-Imtiaz,Hilal-e-Imtiaz,Hilal-e-Pakistan,Sitara-e-Quaid-e-Azam,Jinnah award,Doctor of science(DSc) honoris causa from Agha Khan University Karachi and much more.........

It was 10th of August,2017,around 4:00 a.m.she left all of us at the Agha Khan Hospital in Karachi at the age of 87.Her death is a great loss ,not only for Pakistan ,but also for the humanity.It is so true that we cannot pay her debts ,but she is also a great inspiration for all of us.the people of Pakistan are gining her tributes in different ways.She is also known as the MOTHER TERESA OF PAKISTAN.
May her soul rest in peace!

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