Mad Max Driver Used An Armored Camaro In A War Zone To Get Supplies To Trapped Civilians

Howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas!

I love it when men of courage and action risk everything to help others and this is what this story is about.

In the 1990's during the Bosnian War, a Danish special forces soldier started running desperately needed medical supplies and other aid to civilians deep in the country where the U.N. weren't able to go.

Here's the Camaro he used:


The United States Air Force helped him to "harden" it with armor in key spots and they coated it with radar-absorbing paint which put him in Stealth mode along with other modifications.

They also filled the tires with special foam so they wouldn't go flat if they got shot and installed a wet nitrous injection system which would double the power of his 220hp V8 to give him ESCAPE SPEED! Which he had to use on quite a few occasions.

His name is Helge Meyer, there he is on the right:


He made an incredible difference and saved many lives all by himself. He made his runs late at night but there were roving groups of bandits all over the country and he had many narrow escapes, once catching a bullet in his helmet!

Here's a view of some of the roads he traveled in the dark of night:


It's remarkable that he kept delivering emergency supplies until 2005. The war ended in 1995! He's a Christian and credits his success and survival to a Guardian Angel.

Actually, I'm sure he had more than one assigned to him, besides his personal one. He's written a book about his hair-raising incidents during his service there but I think it's only in German at this time. It's called Gott’s Rambo.

That's a book I'd love to read! He lives back home in Denmark now and still has the Camaro. I bet he never lets that car go!


Thanks for reading folks, God bless you all!

PS- Here's another kind of hero...this story takes place in Ukraine. A big plant had an explosion and fire there, catching nearby homes on fire.

At one home the owners rushed out of the house carrying what valuables they could grab and taking the dog out with them. But when they got outside the dog looked around and to the owner's astonishment and fear he rushed BACK into the burning house!

The smoke and flames were so thick that the owners couldn't go after him, they just kept calling him and feared the worst. When they thought all hope was gone, a silhouette emerged from the flames.

It was their dog holding their little kitten which they hadn't seen when they ran out of the house. The dog and the kitten had been playing and spending every day together so the dog's first instinct was to rescue his friend!

Here's the hero:


lol..ain't dogs' cool?




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