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Traveling and Feeling Hue, Vietnam

To my mind, Hue is a great place to visit. Hue is not a large city but it is peaceful and quiet. There are many historical vestiges in this city. Every year, there are thousands of tourists visiting Hue and they are very pleased, attracted by Hue’s beauties and people. The native of Hue are very friendly, opened-heart and have a sweet voice.

If you have a opportunity to travel, so why don't you choose Hue city?. In the early morning, viewing the sun rising over the sea is very interesting. It makes you feel a good new morning, we can enjoy the glow of dawn, breathe the fresh air of the sea together. After viewing the dawn, you have rice spaghetti for breakfast, one of Hue’s specialties. Visiting Hue, you can eat many kind of delicious cakes. I am sure that you will be attracted by these cakes’ strange taste as eating at the first times and you will remember this taste forever.

It will be unfortunate if you do not go around to view the Royal Citadel where the kings lived and many historical events happened. This is also an occasion for you to become Royalty in beautiful Royal dresses in several minutes to keep memory. The Royal Citadel’s interior is vast, you will be surprised by not only its large area but also its architecture. Here you will have more knowledge about Hue’s history, the Kings and Royalties’s lives in Hue.

To summarize, when you visit Hue city, you will be impressed by Hue’s people, food and beautiful views, and you will not forget as reviewing Hue pictures.

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