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"April Hive Power UP Day!!!" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

hive power up day - apr. 2021.jpg
[Digital drawing over super-close-up photo of my younger daughter's fancy, new gaming computer. (She has way cooler toys than I do!)]

Well well well... The last month or two has been pretty good in terms of economic stuff, but I'm more of an aesthete (with my own understanding of what constitutes "beauty,") so money don't do much for me. (My wife is talking more about retirement now than she used to, though...)

Anyway, I did manage to power up 71 HIVE this morning! (That's a nice prime number!) I do also have a slug o' liquid "swap.hive" on Hive-Engine, but I use that for minting costs on new artwork and for buying artwork from aspiring weirdos, so I left that alone. I also dabble a bit in Hive-Engine tokens now, like WORKERBEE, BEE, LEO, PAL, CCC, a few more, and I've earned a snippy-snip of BRO by delegating to BRO-FUND. (I'm no financial wizard, though, so don't take doomed financial advice from me... I'm like Gomez Addams in that sense, getting excited when my shares in "Consolidated Dust" go up or down! Ha!)

If you haven't noticed, I'm also participating in the April HIVE BLOG POST MONTH challenge, which involves making an effort to post a new blog post every day of the month... Cool. (This is HiveBloPoMo post #1!!!) (Wooo!)

Hmmmmmm... Not much else to shout about right now, but I'll come back later and make something up! Adios!!!

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)