PowerUp πŸ’ͺ December - Vacations are OVER!

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PowerUp Day πŸ’ͺ Delegation Giveaway

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🏝️ Vacations in Portugal were amazing, but... 😎

After returning from Portugal, I did came to New Zealand, and after 4 days, I have left again, to US for a conference (SC23), to spare some time meeting with vendors and catching up with the IRL stuff I need to be part of, in order to do my job better!

It was crazy hard to cope with all the timing of these... and to be honest, I could definitely use another week just to sink in the knowledge. Being around supercomputers and IT technology was always something I loved... hence why I enjoy doing my own thing.

But, and luckily, I get to explore way more than just what I am exposed to. And in this case, I was fortunate enough to meet with another hive person I have never been, and always followed for some time, participating on some of his work around the years. Thanks @simplegame! We had crazy meatballs for dinner and good enough to my standard IPA beer. 😜 - I happen to learn that colorado has actually very good beer... but I still have to taste and verify that. So far, so good...

We have spoke about many things about hive and IRL... and even about a "photo" that never really happened! πŸ˜† Priorities... having a real good conversation is worth a thousand photos. I don't blame anyone on hive for not doing it more often. It's life... deal with it 😎

Thanks for the time mate and opportunity to meet in first person. I definitely feel my next @hivefest travel will have to happen, no matter what. Wife will have to understand... it has been many years skipping it for higher priorities.

The ATX and the elephant in the room?

As a top 20 hive-engine witness, I don't feel my standard is up for the recognized value I should have. I do run things from home in New Zealand, and I advocate for independent unbiased opinion as well for independent ability to run things of ANY other IT or vendor services. Unlike many others, I can both afford and care less about skills, due being comfortable about many of the topics we deal with.

But, I don't want to make this a "I won my place" thing. No one has... The decentralized nature of these things make that sound enough so that you can't really enjoy a preferred spot. I am still happy with how much many of you choose to value my stance, but I would never judge you, in case you stop doing it.

Just making sure its clear in case that got missed along time (blockchain is already complex, so, take as example, this simple example of how this SC23 switching, routers, firewalls, proxies, load balancers, AP concentrators, etc... just crazy they are! yep 😎 - this is just networks for a conference).

But on topic again...

ATX token was and will always be a helping mechanism to onboard people into the hive ecosystem. There might be more into it, but for now, that's what I want it to be. There is no complex math/planning about it. Just me, pouring some long mechanics and token rewards into the expectation it will be worth the try.

Yes, I said I was going to present a gitbook about it, and it's my fault entirely... as I am not having the time I wished to present/build these things as I would have wanted. But I will get to it, when I can... I am usually able to finish things, even if they take time.

One of the things I have managed to learn lately, is priorities. And those have kind of took me off-guard in many ways. First, they are important to consider strategies, but there are often too many downsides you have to mitigate than most people don't easily see as plausible true problems (until you have to go through them).

Either way, even without me doing anything (for the last few weeks), the distribution of ATX has been progressing without much interference of myself...

Prices change, but the dedication of everyone has been crazy to see. And all I can say is "thank you" for putting out there your own "fingerprint" in the blockchain. By means of participating in this pool. For me is just a way to say thank you... but for many others it might be WAY more than that. And I have yet to find what that means... but it is being valued from my end.

The HIVE-Engine thing... and some late opinions...

With the experience of multiple blockchains node operator, feedback is often a very easy way language to communicate among us, but support is often a harder layer to value, in whatever we all do. I am not saying everyone is legit (and I can be included in that category for purposes of being fair with my own sentence) but, and more difficult than that, is trying to convince people to help sometimes. I am and will always be ready, to help anyone enter this space...

Tell me you want to be a node operator, and I AM HERE! FOR FREE!

I can take time, but if you are wiling to, I will never give up until you are producing like me, securing like me, learning the same language as me!

And that's one of the big reasons I am on this blockchain. I know what it means to be here (in the technological terms). I might not always follow the financial trend (even if enjoying it and knowing it matters), but I guess that being able to influence without being in need of, makes a huge difference. I don't need... and even if I would, and loose everything on hive, I would still fight for this cause.

Because I want! And can... (not financially, because it's not a requirement)

It's not the money, its the people and the ideals! Fortunately I can advocate for that. Although, having that said, yes we need the money part to build it. It's how society works, and how the investment is pumped into the future of things. It's how we can survive and can call a way to support our daily life. I hear that! I know it needs to exist... It's a struggle to watch and adapt to it, but I totally understand it.

Fortunately I have had the chance to be in societies where my hour of living would basically pay for an entire month of others. But also the other way around, and one appreciates to understand where you, as person, can fit to understand both sides of the world.

Enough of ranting... (not that I can identify this as such, but just in case)... its mostly an honest way of dumping my own view of things.

Games! 😍

What have I been doing lately? Well, for sure not being able to cope with all games I enjoyed playing... but I am around and testing stuff to my best ability.

Really enjoyed seeing the developments of Terracore lately and how important is for the gaming community to understand that a game is not lost just because the token that is used for its game, falls price upon its original development.

There is more, Golem Overlord for example. Which is changing SOOO much, that now I can really call it.. I AM HOOKED! I mean, the level of complexity has really pumped and that, allied with all the tutorial and ways to show the user how to progress, has really made me happy about it.

Tutorials are important for beginners. It kind of tells/shows you how to choose between being thought, or exploring (like me). In this case, I am an explorer and I don't like for people to tell me how to do my things... I like to learn by myself and then decide! That does not mean I don't like to learn, and asking for help... just that I enjoy exploring my own unbiased way of learning about things to have my own opinion about things.

The others I have been randomly playing too is RisingStar and dCrops. But momentum has been hard... and I am way under my old dedication I had for those games (and many others). Not an excuse... just how life works, and being in a different IRL position, it kills that time completely!

The other game I would like to point out, which is never disappointing me, is CryptoShots. And that one alone has proven major milestones, both on the way to innovate and the strategy to keep up on working with its users. I just love multi-chain stuff... and when ventures promote multiple technologies that involve the same level of technology within different blockchains, it just melts my butter in the pan. Where is that stake!!! πŸ₯© 🀭

For last, I would like to point out, that both WOO (https://play.wrestlingorganizationonline.com) and ZING (https://holozing.com) are heavily under my radar (and mouse clicking). Obviously... and if you aren't on top of those, give them a look.

Switching to A bit more of me πŸ™ƒ

I would imagine someday I could be seen as suspicious (would not surprise me, due how greedy people "work" sometimes), but because I am never a big player enough to cause attention, I don't get noticed (iTHINK). And that is just awesome (thanks if you decided to not stalk me 😁)... because in fact, I am not that of a person to chase people, I mostly want to help, not to βš”οΈ fight (although I have strong opinions about many things and I will be behind the scenes implementing my security ways of protecting the chain).

But in essence, I am basically no one... just a person on this blockchain, that acts as much independently as I can. Example (not really), even if I love immersion cooling and think this will take decades, I still love it... and the developments/progress of it!

The duckie has been there for many conferences along with the same liquid! (they told me).

But, lets get back to the point. I don't hate conversations... or disagreement... I enjoy knowing the reason of things. Stating something just because one thinks that's a good sentence is not valuable to me. I value the behind the scenes thing... the thought put behind it.

And that's actually a good thing, and I can't disagree with myself. I have very little to no biases! I can say whatever I F want (like any of you can)... and I am happy for advocating for my own self on that. Because that's something I have learned how to value. But, knowing on how to do it, its a VERY DIFFERENT story.

Still does not make me a vendeta (or casanova as someone said/thinks). I like opinions and other thoughts. I am just not yet to the point of influencing direction (I don't hold that much experience). But I have my own view, which like anyone else on this blockchain can have, it has its value.

Building my NEW machine! Finally 🀩πŸ₯°πŸ€—

I have been making promises about this for a long time, and without the ability to commit to it, both on time and due to resources, this marks a new epoch of my life in this blockchain.

WHY? Because I am custom building a node for hive, and its side chains. From what I have learned and know about blockchains and hive code... I think I am able to build something of interest of everyone (not yet sure if that would be useful but I am whiling to share the experience obviously).

Not that there is some kind of "voodoo" magic here, but between the hardware (that is mostly known) and the way to configure things... there are some ways to bridge the cost. I know how to do that (by profession)... but even if would not, because I am ridiculous in some sense (aka, I enjoy the hobbies I do), that does not mean I can't help people making decisions about it.

Either way, you might have seen my dark side, sharing about these things...

ZFS will be on its way... and others, even if I can't disclosure what other filesystems I will be trying things on. Joys of the HPC world... πŸ˜›

My atexoras.com domain will need to be renovated in 2024. This is a prelude of what awaits it! Hopefully I can successfully do open my HIVE node and be finally executing what I intended to deliver in a few years ago, from an 100% independent source. For me... a fricking wish come true!

Finally I will leave you with the first ambient temperature quantum computing technology coming to the world. Or at least some promises of it...

NOTE: Did you knew that if you walk next to a quantum computer, you can ruin its calculations? Not the one bellow necessarily, but in average they are very sensible to vibrations during processing.

As always, enjoy having you reading my writings which are usually taking 10x to 20x of the time to write you will need to read it. So, do please take into consideration, when reading other writers, that they can take as much time as I, to write content!

We (me) do it because we like it anyway...

My πŸ–οΈ motivation!

Have fun, play games, learn, and when possible, teach new things to newcomers, showing them how interesting this place can be.

🀝 Follow me on Twitter

@forkyishere 😈 (@forykw dark side) is a character I created, which emerged from Crimsonclad imagination πŸ™ while dwelling over the dark dungeons of Discord chat levels.

Follow for #news about the #HIVE #Blockchain, and other stuff. I sometimes get crazy with what happens around social media. I am following all HIVE users! No promises of behavior. 😁

In addition, if you are looking for a nice place to either reach out, share or just have a great time, come along to @atexoras.pub gatherings. We welcome everyone on the blockchain.

πŸ‘‰ Vote for Witnesses

(⚑Vote) - Hive-Engine here - voting uses staked WORKERBEE
(⚑Vote) - HIVE here - voting uses staked HIVE

(✍Delegate) - 3Speak Network - You win 0.015% SPK tokens if you delegate LARYNX to other nodes, as opposed to only 0.010% from your powered LARYNX!

@forykw is running 😎 @atexoras.witness on all the above πŸ’ͺ

πŸ“° Public Hive Engine Infrastructure

Any feedback/problems, feel free to contact me! My stuff is being monitored via UpTimeRobot where you can find their current status or just come along to the ATX Discord server.

😎 Looking for some #HIVE merch? πŸ‘‰ GO HERE πŸ‘ˆ


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