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How to: The Steemler voting automation tool (Steemler voting bot)


Steemler, your personal steemit assistant went life this week. Read the introduction here
To get started using steemlers voting automation tool:

Hi everyone

In this post I will explain how to get started using the Steemler voting automation tool, the first Steemler feature of many more to come. If you are not familiar with the Steemler idea, head over to this post to read the Steemler introduction.

What is the Steemler voting automation tool?

The Steemler voting automation tool, or voting bot, is a tool to automate voting on your favourite authors. Currently the voting tool can only be triggered by posts from a certain author, but I will be adding more variables in the coming weeks.

Step 1

Sign up for Steemler on our webpage and verify your email address by clicking the link in the email we have sent to you.

log in to steemler.png

Step 2

Log in to Steemler and click the Add account button

Welcome to Steemler.png

Step 3

To connect your Steemit account(s) with your Steemler account you will need your posting key which you can find in your Steemit wallet under the permissions tab.

If you click the show private key button you can copy your posting key.

posting key.png

When you have copied your posting key, you can head back to the Steemler page that you have open and paste it in the posting key field. Also add your Steemit username to the Steemit username field and set the maximum amount of votes per day to your preferred amount. Steemler will not vote more then this amount per day (It may happen that a vote is already scheduled and that is why sometimes you might go a little bit over this amount). To get started I suggest setting this amount to 20. Later on you can fine tune this amount to not drain your voting power to much.

add steemit account.png

Step 4

Now it is time to add your first voting setting by clicking the Add a voting setting button.

add a voting setting.png

Here you will see the form to add a voting setting.

Account, here you will select the Steemit account with which you want to vote.
Setting type, here you can select what will trigger your account to vote. Currently we only support voting triggered by a post from a certain author, we will add more possibilities soon.
Author, here you will put in the username of the author you want to vote on (without adding @).
Vote delay in minutes, here you can specify how many minutes to wait with voting after the author has posted the article. This way you can keep in mind the 30 minutes system. I will write about this in more detail in a later post.
Vote power percentage, here you can specify the percentage of voting power you want to spent when voting on this author. I will also write about this in more detail in a later post.
State, here you can specify if the voting setting is active or disabled. When disabled there will not be voted.
Everything can be changed later when needed
Now you can submit your setting and your Steemit account will automatically vote for you favourite author

adding the vote setting.png

Add feedback

Please use the feedback feature or reply to Steemler posts if you run into any problems or have ideas for new features.

I hope this article helps you to automate your voting on the authors you want to support.

If you missed the intro about Steemler you can read it here

Let me know what you think about Steemler and ask your questions in the comments

and don't forget to resteem and upvote ;)