How to Be a Real Ladies-Man :)

Surefire way to impress the ladies:

There's one sure way to be a ladies man - it's a non-try-hard way (unlike the "game" that "pick-up artists" play on women), the following are synonyms of that one way:

1.) Be a man - don't shy away from your own, innate, masculinity and the strengths that it affords you (see #'s 2 - 7 for these strengths)

2.) Be free(r) from fear of judgment/ rejection.

3.) Enjoy your own company - be your own party.

4.) Be authentic - don't be full of pretensions.

5.) Feel really great inside of yourself - so great that NO ONE can harsh your mellow and most can't help but receive some of that good feeling while in your presence, ya dig?

6.) Be really, truly, present to yourself and the environment.

7.) Give in to the curiosity that deep presence reveals - no one can fake the kind of passion that naturally arises out of being deeply present.

Good vibrations:

Women naturally pick up on a man's energy/ vibe, particularly when he's shinning bright like a diamond with confidence and charisma - the natural essence of a man who's honest with himself about who he is...yes, it does take courage...balls even.  Luckily you have a couple of them dangling in the nether region :)


Courage and heart, these two words aren't synonyms for no good reason. The head/ intellect, logical though it may be, is the seat of anxiety and fear. To submit to anxiety/ fear is to restrict, suppress, or weave masculinity into some mutant form that's entirely unnatural and a complete turn-off to women - it weakens us both as men and individuals.   The heart, on the other hand...the heart is a powerfully grounding power that resides in the...well, area of the heart.

To ground oneself is to become present.  To become present is to slice through the B.S. stories that you had been telling yourself for so long about your less than ideal identity.  If you can manage to lose yourself in your heart, you'll find that fears naturally melt away and the authentic you is revealed without any necessary added efforts.  Masculinity flowers as its essence is no longer restricted.  

You're free to be! and you feel WONDERFUL!!!

No need to prove oneself or to compare oneself to others:

Talk about a turn-off for women!  Yeesh, la weesh.

Yet, 7 or 8 out of 10 guys will do it.  They'll do it because they feel insecure and they feel insecure because they either don't know who they are (identity crisis) or they fear that they're something less than adequate, likely both (that's a lot of "they" in that last sentence!).


You're not who you think you are.  You aren't a thought, nor a collection of thoughts/ memories/ emotions.  You're a living being that's fluid and adaptive.

You're more sensations than you are intellect or the abstractions therein. Revelations of identity happen more in the body (body awareness) than in the head.  Courage is the natural state of a man that rests his attention inside the sensations of his body.

Speak from the heart:

A man speaks not from his mouth, but from his heart.  Yes, his mouth may move, but the energy that reverberates upon striking an ear-drum - that energy is a pulse from his heart.  This is music to the ears of a woman.  

This voice soothes her soul, as it's the very presence of calm, controlled, competent, reassuring energy.  It's the voice of security.  It's confidence and positivity...and not the fake kind, I assure you.  Women pick up on the realness of the strength in a heartbeat...and it makes them melt from head to toes.

When you can stair deep into her eyes, unflinching...

You've already got her.

When you can flash a relaxed, playful, somewhat cocky smile that speaks volumes about your supreme confidence in less than the blink of an eye, after she flashes you a smile...

She'll move a mountain to be with you.  She'll push her Playgirl-model boyfriend, who's hung like a horse, off of a cliff just to have another chance to be near you; to hear you; to watch you move the way that you do.

You'll see all of this about her, this infatuation with you, in an instant, thanks to your deep presence, and you...

won't take advantage of it, because you're responsible with your powers as a fully developed, spiritual man.  You will, however, give her a chance to flower before you, revealing the beauty of all the feminine power that lies inside of her, if there's a real spark there.

You're valuable, as a man and as a human being:


Because you're a man and a human being that isn't lost in the sea of fears that most of the men and other humans out there in society are drowning within.  You're a pillar of strength and beacon of hope in a world full of weaklings and hopelessness.  You're the embodiment of confidence and courage.  You're a real man.

Some, those whom are in the most need of a role-model (direction in their lives), may even label you as a god, which brings me to my next point...

You're a natural leader that gives his power to the people instead of using it to manipulate them:

It makes you feel better to show the way to self-empowerment than it does to push people around due to their reverence of you.  Feeling good and doing right are what the heart, the real man, is all about.

Do you feel it yet?

Don't worry, you'll get there as long as you stick to my advice.

One Love.

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