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#HowItStarted + #TwitterCensorship Initiative // NO MORE censorship

For the last three months, from a first-hand source, I have known some cases of friends of #Hive complaining about censorship on Twitter, I know that this is not a new issue, since censorship on Twitter is a fairly high point, which has led to a lot of criticism worldwide for several years, so, we must ask ourselves, is Twitter really a platform that respects freedom of expression?.

The formulation of the question, whether Twitter is really a platform that respects freedom of expression, aims to accompany the initiative of @theycallmedan #HowItStarted + #TwitterCensorship, while reaffirming that the Web2 has never guaranteed freedom of expression, as it has always controlled to some extent the information that is shared in these conventional and obsolete platforms.

My path in the traditional social networks does not have much history and less hours of interaction, since in essence my path began in the Web3, I must confess from my years of university student I opened my first account in Facebook, there I was never victims of censorship perhaps because I interacted little in that platform, since basically the use that gave generally in certain hours of the night before going to sleep, was to check some news related to my classmates, then I opened an account in Twitter, its methodology did not call my attention as maybe it did with other people, I did not make many followers, I just followed a few friends, that is to say it did not invade my days to the point of forgetting and losing that account, and practically I just created a new account with the objective of being able to link it with my user account in #Hive, and it is now when I come to give use to this platform and fundamentally to promote our chain of blocks (you can check my history of interaction in Twitter). The only thing that is certain is that my beginnings in social networks are the result of having been captivated by Web3 in this chain of blocks, in which I now surf constantly not only hours before going to sleep but practically at all times.