Should I Sell My House For Bitcoin or Just Pay It Off With STEEM?

I have been wanting to sell my house for a couple of years and constantly pore through the recent sales data in my neighborhood and surrounding neighborhoods to access the value of my property to see how much I could walk away with so I can travel the world and dive fully into #crypto currencies and #blockchain tech again.  If you read my first post on this platform I introduced myself early this morning here in Arizona because I couldn't sleep.  

Maybe #Steem and #Steemit have captivated your attention in the same manor?

You also learned that I put a pretty big investment into #cryto in 2013 / 2014.  I mainly focused on the mining aspect.  I knew I had missed the mining window for Bitcoin for the most part and the mines for that were too industralized so I focused on GPU mining.  Initially on coins with the Scrypt algorithm such as #Litecoin and #DOGE.  For you hardcore miners out there I was utilizing auto switching pools such as  Then the Scrypt ASICS came and it was time to leave the Scrypt mining.  I knew the day would come and I was prepared.  The X11, X13, and X15 coins didn't seem profitable for the most part so I focused my efforts on #Monero.  One of the main developers for Monero is an incredibly honest and wicked smart guy named @fluffypony.  #Monero has a lot going for it.  

When I started mining it the price was around $3 / coin and it was costing me $1.50 / coin to mine.  NOT BAD!   

All my rigs were hacks but I did that strategically because I got a bunch of core 2 duo machines for $40 / machine which had PCIe 1.0 slots which didn't matter for GPU mining.  It didn't speed up the performance any to have 3.0 slots.  

I knew I could "button up" these machines if mining didn't work out and sell them to people just needing machines to do a little bit of word processing and web surfing on.  Even if #crypto went to $0 the GPUs would still be worth money for gaming.  That is the way I mitigated my risk.  

Despite all that I'm embarrassed to say it but I will admit it to you guys........ I invested $30,000 into #crypto and #cryptomining and lost half of it.  :-(  Yep.  I was only able to recoup $15,000 of the initial investment.  A lot of this was because I was forced to sell my coins when the market was super low because of other unforeseen events in my life.  

When I see people mining for #Etherium I'm happy for them but I throw up a little bit in my mouth because I suffered a severe ass beating and haven't been able to recover yet.  

Now that you know a little more background information about my #crypto experience I want to get back to selling my house for #Bitcoin.  Back in 2014 I actually posted my house for sale on Facebook for #Bitcoin when #BTC was around $800.  I more did it out of a test to see what kind of reaction it would invoke. It got the general questions about what is #Bitcoin and how much is one coin worth.  I would have done the deal at the time for the right price and then converted 90% of that into US Dollars and only held 10% in #BTC.  

Fast forward to now.  I would do the deal again but I have paid a lot down on the principle balance and after I saw these makeup tutorials making mad CA$H I started thinking I could maybe make enough to just pay the property off and then focus full time on blockchain tech again.  

Again I want to emphasize that I'm still a freshly laid fish egg.  I'm not even a minnow let alone a dolphin or a whale.  I have not even been on this platform for 24 hours.  

Please help me out?  Do you guys really think it is possible to make a sustainable living on this platform? 

Should I sell my house for #Bitcoin or is it possible to pay it off with #Steem?   

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