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Even experienced horse people do dumb things

Tara and I had a rough many long-term horse owners my guard was down while leading her to go out...she was far too behind me instead of beside me....and suddenly WHAM!! I got flung far into a wall and landed in a heap seeing stars thinking "wha????". All I remember is a big bang...something spooked her and the others in the run-in beside us (she never spooks...seriously - for a fiery horse she's also very level headed and rarely reacts to anything) and she reared then bolted.

She gave herself whats hooefully a superficisl skull fracture and split her forehead wide (ceiling where we were is at least 10' high...maybe even higher...but she's also 17.1hh and could easily smash tbe's possible she hit the door frame. No real obvious signs but she obviously hit something hard.

I'm bruised and will definitely feel like I got hit by a freight train. She's patched up and grounded to her stall until morning (No sign of brain damage but we'll know much more in the morning if the fracture is just superficial).

Never ever let your guard down...I was alone in tbe evening and this could have ended very badly for me as well as my poor old mare. 20180606_204817.jpg