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I am Human


If you look at your heartbeat on a monitor, it shows a line that goes up and down, just like most people's lives. We have highs and lows. We often wish for times of calm. No highs or lows. We just want to rest in between, if only for a little while.

If your heartbeat rests between a high and a low...

I heard this analogy over the last week or so. It hit home like nothing else ever has. The above makes you take stock of what you really want.

Then last night, I was watching YouTube and came across many 'So and so reacts to [insert artist here]' videos. My ears perked up, and I clicked on one of the react videos.

I encourage anyone to watch the video below all the way through. I have heard and seen the video four times, and it hits my soul in many ways. It is worth your time to watch it if you are creative.

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Things usually happen in threes. These are only two examples, so my post is the third one? If so, It is done.

Love yourself.

You are on this Earth for a reason.

You are never alone. Reach out.

We are all just Humans, after all.

Help someone smile today. It can not hurt you.


Thumbnail: Photo by Houcine Ncib on Unsplash

All photos are mine unless otherwise stated.