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HOMOSEXUALITY IS AN ABOMINATION «Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve», Says the LORD YouTube

Christians and non Christians, God did not create man to sleep with another man, or to marry another man. God did not create Steve for Adam, but He created Eve for Adam.

Humans have reached a level lower than that of animals. Has anyone ever seen a male pig sodomizing another male pig or a female dog barking after the sex organ of another female dog? Judge for yourself, you, who are watching this video right now.

God did not say in Genesis 2 v. 24 that a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his husband, so that they shall become one flesh. He, on the contrary, said that it was only to his wife that a man was to be joined to form one flesh with her.

A man who is sodomizing another man or a woman who is enjoying another woman's sex organ commit an abomination to the eyes of God according to Leviticus 18 v. 22, and Leviticus 20 v. 13 goes even further by saying that these people are guilty of death and their blood shall be upon them.

This is what the Word of God in Romans 1 v. 26-27, repeats, saying that a woman who changes the natural use of her sex organ for what is against nature and a man who abandons the natural use of a women, and inflame or burn in his desire for another man are doing something shameful and awful, and receive the salary of his abomination.

Revelation 21 v. 8 warns against the lake which burns with fire and brimstone and which is the final destination for gays and lesbians just as any other sinner.

Therefore, you man who are sodomizing another man or are getting sodomized by another man, or you woman who are delighting in another woman's sex organ, it is urgent that you repent, that you abandon that shameful lifestyle,
and that you turn to Jesus-Christ Who Alone can deliver you from those perverse and lustful demons who are possessing you and holding you captive in this abomination, in order to lead straight to hell.

Marriage is the very first institution that the GOD has established on earth and He defined it as a union between a man and a woman, NOT as a union between a man and a man, between a woman and a woman, or between a man and an animal.

Marriage is so very much precious to God for the preservation of the family and mankind that He will not leave unpunished those who are distorting or destroying it.

It shouldn't matter to us, Christians, where legislators, supreme courts, NGOs, international organizations and States are supporting and legalizing same-sex marriage as the state of New York has recently done to its own ruin, and this ruin will not spare any human institution that endorses or legalizes this abomination.

Romans 1 v. 32 alerts that anyone who applauds and supports this most odious shame of the human race is as guilty as anyone who commits it. We shouldn't be surprised if the next step is the legalization of marriage between men and animals or between men and inflatable dolls.

According to GOD Almighty, marriage has been, is and will always remain a union between a man and a woman, until Jesus Christ returns; no matter what people think of it or how they define it. Does 1 Samuel 16 v. 7 NOT say that the Lord does not see as men see?

You, gay or you, lesbian who are watching this video right now, I urge you to repent and then lay the burden of this abomination of yours at the feet of Jesus Christ and He will free you and completely cleanse you from this thing that has been defiling your whole life.

Jesus Christ loves you so very much with all His heart and I, too, love you with all my heart; but our Lord and Savior hates intensely what you have been doing with your body. He is in front of you right now simply waiting for you to cry out for help.

He wants so very much to pull you out of hell, where you are already engulfed, and to lead you to Heaven with Him. He's just waiting for a green light from you, that you shout out for help.

You can see on your screen right now the link to a testimony video of a man whom GOD freed after 27 years of homosexuality

May God through His Holy Spirit convince you of sinfulness and lead you to repentance unto salvation.

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