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Predator Update, New Life And Future Projects

Wow, lots of upvotes yesterday. Thank you guys so much. I normally never get that many upvotes. I can only guess that somebody resteemed my post. Thank you to whoever did that. Maybe one of these days I'll be able to withdraw some of my steem money and be able to get something for a project.

So, predator update. No more missing, dead or injured chickens. Seems the tractor skirts are working well. The last baby bunny is gone. He had a big gash in his stomach and I was pretty sure he wasn't going to make it. I will probably keep Hermione in her cage anyway for about a week before I let Severus (my male) access to breed her again.

In some good news, Jenny (yes, our rabbits have Harry Potter themed names, I have children) had babies yesterday. She'd been nesting for over a week so I wasn't really sure if she was bred or not. She had 6 babies but one was stillborn. But we still have 5 healthy babies. Unfortunately we're not going to be able to keep any of them because Severus is her son from a previous litter. So they will all be used for meat.

See the wire on the right side of the cage? Yeah, not good. So today I'm going to take some wood from the sheep shelter to build a more secure cage for them.

The sheep shelter is currently 8' tall. For one, because the 2x4s come in 8' lengths and I didn't bother to cut them. I was also using the top part of the sheep shelter as a hay loft. But the tarp over it has torn with the high winds this spring and the hay was getting wet. So no hay loft.

Also having an 8' tall structure makes it really hard to put any kind of more permanent roof on it since all I have is a step ladder. Standing on the top step of a step ladder on uneven ground is NOT a fun experience. So the sheep shelter will be shortened and I will use that extra wood to make a nice new home for the babies.

I think the next project might have to be a bridge across the runoff. This is what I've had to deal with lately.

Anyway, everybody is already fed and I need to get out there and get this cage done. Take care all and have a good day.
