Well, it got to come over to our home anyway!

Right now, @mama-pepper, @papa-pepper and our five @little-peppers are lying down for bed, but we are not alone. There is also one little piglet spending the night here. @Papa-pepper can come up with some interesting ideas sometimes, and @mama-pepper has a high enough tolerance for certain things that she can put up with a lot.


This little piglet had a pretty rough day. Sometimes mama pigs can accidentally step on their babies or even lie down on top of them. If anyone remembers our first litter from the pig that @smailer bought us, you may remember a little piglet named Bo-Bo.

Bo-Bo was the young male that got stepped on by his mama and was cut open pretty bad. Just to safe, we cleaned the wound very well, stitched it up, and monitored it closely while keeping it protected with an ointment.

Everything went really well for Bo-Bo and now his whole family is doing well. To read more about when he got stepped on, CLICK HERE

Earlier today, we noticed that somethings was wrong with one of our newer piglets. Though there was no external wound, the little one was limping very badly and often would not even get up. We would put it in the safe part of the pen that is just for piglets, but it would work its way back out where its mom could step on it, and would just lie on the ground.

When the mama tried to feed her piglets, all of the other ones would make their way over, but not this one. Personally, I think that it was either stepped on repeatedly or maybe even laid down upon. I think that it now has some injured muscles that may need healing. If it is not feeding well and keeps working its way out of the safe area and getting stepped on, its condition will only get worse. To add to things, we had a very heavy rain today and this one wound up just laying in the cold mud and not rising to its feet.

I brought it back up to the house with me and warmed it in a t-shirt of mine after I washed it off. A while later it was wandering around the yard a bit. We have also been using a baby bottle to feed it some multi-species colostrum. I chose colostrum over a regular milk replacer or cows milk because of how incredible colostrum is. Hopefully it'll give this little piggy what it needs to get back on its feet again.

With life eventually comes death, and it is not uncommon for people raising hogs to lose some piglets. So far, we haven't lost any and we would sure prefer to keep it that way. We will do what we can to help this little one out. Though we are concerned, we are optimistic. It's asleep right now and the heat lamp is off, so hopefully it'll be doing fine in the morning.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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