SO what is cooking from Scratch? For me, it is how they cooked 80 years ago? It is a bit murky when you grew up in the 70’s with the Advent of Hamburger Helper!

My girls on the pump pipes! See I told you I used to have chickens! They are extremely entertaining!

For me, probably like most homesteaders, it is how they cooked 80 years ago?
I take this preserved meat from my grass-fed cow that is stored in my icebox refrigerator (modern day freezer) and grind it in an electric meat grinder. (So happy mine is electric because it is so much less labor intensive than the hand crank one I have stuffed somewhere in my cupboard!)

In this case, it was a couple of tip roasts, through the grinder and viola, hamburger meat!

When butchering our own cattle I made an error in regard to my cuts requested. In the future I will make sure I think carefully about how much hamburger meat our family uses versus roasts. Next time I will order my cows to be chopped into 80 % hamburger and keep only the ribs, porterhouses, liver, and a few pot roasts. Most everything I make, from tacos to spaghetti my family prefers it made with hamburger meat.

Next, I take my fresh tomatoes and boil them down for the sauce.

This go round, I realized I was out of paste and that I have my next canning project. So instead I used dehydrated tomatoes hoping that will do the trick. The garlic came next and the dehydrated onion, since I was out of fresh onion. I usually add bit of maple syrup to take off the bitter edge, then the oregano, basil, salt, pepper and today I added a little bit of rosemary. An old cook like me, measures very little except rice.

This may be labor intensive but I absolutely know where almost every ingredient has come from and the authenticity of its source. When a wife and stay at home mom goes the extra mile she is creating job security :) Well, here is hoping! :) I actually say that out loud when they track up my newly mopped floor! It is a release for me and they are not insulted by my fussing.

Here is the final product! Sunday's Spaghetti!

Well there were a few tips to learn in this post, hopefully you enjoyed it!
Happy Day!
All original works.
Ephesians 2:8-9
8 For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.…

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