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So Far SO good with the hybrid 300’s? New breed trial! And a gluten free muffin recipe, What to do with all of those eggs!

Here they are in their little pond!

Last year I purchased khaki Campbell ducks and was transitioning away from the Pekin and my remaining chickens. We seem to have the perfect conditions the last few years for ducks and I wanted to take advantage of the healthier egg profile.

You can see my article for why at this link:

This year I thought I would try the slightly more expensive cross described by Metzer Farms as their “Hybrid 300”. When they first started laying last month they definitely were living up to their described standard. But all of the sudden this week my numbers are falling off. I have combed the yard for a nest from a rogue layer but have not yet looked at the timing on my light since the days are getting shorter. Other than light I am out of ideas. Their diet is the same, and as recent as last week I was getting 9 out of 9 eggs laid daily.

Here is a double yoke from last week! These are so fun

The older girls of which I have 3 had also started laying a few token eggs...I was getting 11 out of 12 for several days running. So you can imagine my disappointment when the eggs slowed two days ago to eight and now today 7...we are going in the wrong direction!

Here is a cute little video of ducks and toddlers playing with them...36 seconds. The young girl with the little boy is my daughter and son.

The advertised difference in the Khaki Campbell and the Hybrid 300 was the number of eggs laid per year. The Campbells are advertised at about per 250 per day versus the 300 of the Hybrid, according to the farm I purchased them from. So I thought the hybrid superior initially but not so sure now! Will keep you posted!

In the happy time here is my favorite recipe for excess bananas as with the co-op I sometimes have bananas coming out of my ears! Once you have frozen, dehydrated used them for smoothies and begged everyone to eat them to increase their potassium level what is left but baking!

Banana Muffins Gluten Free:
4 ripe bananas
5 eggs
1/4 cup sweetener ( I use maple syrup ) makes them super moist!
3/4 cup coconut flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt

Mix together in order place in 350 " preheated oven...approximately 35 minutes for muffins and 45 min for loaf.

Delight in the lord in all you do!
Psalm 37:4-
3 Trust in the LORD and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. 4 Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart. 5 Commit your way to the LORD,

Love and Peace,