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Two New Gardens - March 24, 2021 @goldenoakfarm

Back Porch garden - finished crop March 2021 .jpg

On Wednesday morning I got the area in front of this garden cleaned up. Then I laid out and cleaned out this little 18” x 6’ garden. When my intern had finished helping the carpenter, she planted the daffodils. I made the markers and took notes for making a map.

I’d picked up this huge trellis somewhere years ago. It’s sat in the garden shed, getting very dirty. Now I have the perfect place for it. The carpenter will put supports for it in place, once I find the scraps he needs. I plan to put either morning glories or fragrant sweet peas here.

I didn’t have an outside spigot yet (too cold – might freeze at night) so I hope the rain during Wednesday night cleans it up some. If not the rain all day on Friday probably will.

Back Porch garden - daffodils crop March 2021.jpg

It’s still too early to put seeds in yet for either flower. I’m not sure I have sweet pea seeds, and I know I don’t have morning glory seeds.

Big garden - Area 1 bulbs crop March 2021.jpg

When we went into the Big garden to get another pot of daffodils for planting, the Bulb Area #1 had more crocus ready to open. Lots of the foliage is still yellow from being under the mulch.

Big garden - Area 1 jumbo tipped purple crocus crop March 2021.jpg

These crocuses are different from the others, in that they are rimmed with white on the petals. Not sure what variety that is.

Big garden - sedum crop March 2021.jpg

Next to these was the sedum from the old East garden. It’s doing very well and will go into the New East garden, when I get that one laid out and ready.

Big garden - lily of the valley bed crop March 2021.jpg

Because we finished so quickly, I decided to finish another garden. This photo is of the white lily of the valley I had saved from the huge bed in front of the house, back in 2019. It had lots of bulbs in it. We found several crocuses, a puschkinia and these 2 flowering.

New North - pink lily of valley bed crop March 2021.jpg

In the New North garden I had an old bed of pink lily of the valley. I wanted to move a few of them into the East of Porch garden, along with some of the invading ferns. So we dug a small strip along the edging to relieve the pressure on it, then across the back for the ferns.

East of Porch - pink LOV, white LOV, snowdrops, crocus crop March 2021.jpg

The ferns went against the foundation in the back. I had planted rows of snow drops a few weeks back and some of them had come up. We planted the thin strips of pink lily of the valley between the rows. I put in a couple thin stepping stones, for a place to stand when weeding. The closest one marks the end of the pink lily of the valley.

Then we dug up the white bed in the Big garden and put it in the front of this garden.

Big garden - lily of valley bed emptied crop March 2021.jpg

We used the extra soil from the new garden to fill in the area the white lily of the valley came from. It’s much poorer soil, but the mulch and earthworms will fix that. That’s a 5’ diameter mat of soapwort next to it on the right. I hope to put some of that into the South garden.

So those gardens were done until it was time to put seeds in. I hope to start the New East garden on Thursday, once it warms up. It will be a much harder garden, as the grass has grown into it up to the foundation.

I am mighty worn out from all the garden building, but it will rain on Friday so I can rest.