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New-to-me Camera - August 7, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

New Canon camera collage text crop August 2024.jpg

On Wednesday morning I never got up until 6AM as it was gently raining and sounded so nice. So I was still editing photos for my post when my #2 intern arrived at 7AM.

My general helper had been given a used camera and she had sent it to me via the #2 intern. I immediately set about trying it out, once I’d charged the battery and found a memory card for it.

Except for the boxes in car photo, all the photos are taken with the new camera.

Loading car with book boxes crop August 2024.jpg

So while I was messing around with the camera, writing the post and getting it up, she was hauling the biggest boxes out of the attic and loading the car. She got 2 more in after I took the photo.

Phoebe dusting crop August 2024.jpg

She had the car loaded by 8AM and we couldn’t leave until 9:30AM as our appointment was for 10AM. So she started dusting, polishing, and cleaning glass in the dining room.

It was finally time to go so we headed to the bookstore. They took all the books, but only 4 of them they felt were worth paying me for, so I got a $10 store credit I can use at their next book sale. I also made another appointment for Monday morning for the next car load of books.

Anne raspberry - another flush crop August 2024.jpg

Anne raspberry with a new flush

We are hoping that by foliar spraying, the smell will deter the squirrels and we will get raspberries again. This was the first year we didn’t spray and the first year we had squirrel problems.

Flowers and apples collage text crop August 2024.jpg

I had a great time figuring out how to use the camera. I eventually decided I needed to see the manual, so I found it online and started downloading it.

New Herb - plant collage text crop August 2024.jpg

I went to see if any more ginger had come up in the little hoophouse and while I was in the New Herb garden, I got more shots of plants, some of which you have seen, I think.

Flowers collage2 text crop August 2024.jpg

And yes! There was a new tiny sprout of ginger. They have until October roughly to do anything. I also got photos of the unidentified white flowers that come out in the swamp each year. This year, thanks to the new camera, I have a photo someone might be able to identify them from.

Squirrel with apple crop August 2024.jpg

As I came around the house from the Anne raspberry, there was a squirrel sitting on the posts for the grape arbor (still not built) eating one of the green apple drops.

It’s really cool to have a quick camera to get shots like this!

Monarch on barn crop August 2024.jpg

The Christmas tree farm had called and they had mulch for me. I went up to the barn to get ready and there was a monarch butterfly on the door.

The mulch man had woken me up from my nap of 2½ hours when he called. I won’t be in bed early on Wednesday night.

Empty hay stall crop August 2024.jpg

Without the splitter in the hay stall, it looks even more empty.

Mulch hay - 1st 25 crop August 2024.jpg

He had 25 bales on this load and will bring more on Thursday afternoon.

I didn’t get much else done, just books and fooling with the camera. On Thursday my helper friend arrives at noon. I should mow the yard and up at the barn, but we will see.

In the morning while I wait for the grass to dry, I could finish bills/budget, laundry, and clean up the kitchen. My helper friend missed some of the forsythia so I should go cut those down while waiting on the grass.

I will probably set my helper friend to weeding the Fence gardens until we do the mulch hay mid afternoon.