My Apothecary - Chamomile

I have decided that Mondays I will be sharing My Apothecary.
I have been foraging for plants for many years, and I have decided to share what I have been collecting.
This is also helping me get everything catalogued and organized. Seems like a win win for everyone!

Please know that I do not sell my remedies, and I am not a doctor. My advice is to research everything. We should always be mindful in what we do to heal our vessels, our body. Many of these remedies are good for the spirit to. We are all spiritual beings, the plants are just and connected to mother earth as we are. Even more so.

It is very important to honour all beings, with respect and love. There have been times that I have gone to pick medicines, and I have heard NO. I offer the tobacco and give thanks for the wisdom.

Everyone has the knowledge to their own path of well being.


Benefits of Chamomile:

Boosts Immunity
Reduces Stress
Promotes Sleep and Treats Insomnia
Treats Cold
Reduces Muscle Spasms and Period Pain
Soothes Stomach Ache
Treats Cuts, Wound and Skin Conditions
Helps with diabetes

I love this little plant. It comes back year after year. It reminds me of a feverfew, or a tansy. I loved these smells as a kid. Still do!

I often put a pot on the woodstove, and throw in a little chamomile to simmer. It's like a diffuser of calm! LOL
When the kids were little and teething, I would put a dishcloth that I soaked in chamomile tea, into the freezer. I would let them gnaw on it until the throbbing pain stopped.
So many uses for this great little plant, and it looks pretty in the garden too. There is something about harvesting the little flowers, very therapeutic.

I have also used chamomile teabags moistened for eye problems, like pink eye, and for bite stings. It provides almost immediate relief!
Chamomille has been apart of my apothecary for many many years. One my old favourites.


I use it fresh, dried and as a tea.

I pick the plants around 10 am. After the dew and moisture are off the plants. I hang them upside down in small bunches to dry in a warm area out of the sun. You could also use a dehydrator. I also lay them out on a sheet, off the ground, they dry fairly quickly. I run my hands through them to mix them around, to dry evenly.

Using fresh or dried flowers/stems/leaves, lightly crush and add to boiled water. Let steep for desired time. Teas are good for internally. I also use strong teas for baths, compresses, and washes.

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