House on tree for my kids

I promised my children a long time ago to make a house on a tree, but still there was not enough time for this. But this summer I decided to make sure to keep my promise.


The first step was to decide which tree to use. The apple tree in front of my house was perfect. I used old pallets as materials for the house.


I have three children, so one pallet for the house was not enough, and there was no room on the tree for a wider floor. So I sawed dry logs in the forest and made of them, stands on which 2 more pallets lay perfectly.


An important moment. The tree was not supposed to be damaged during the construction process, so I did not cut down any branches and built a house around and inside them. I even let one go through the roof.


After a couple of hours, the house was ready. The children were satisfied. True, the house is summer, but maybe the children themselves will modify it to a year-round one. I really hope for it.


During the construction process, not a single living tree suffered, but my chainsaw died and I myself, almost knocked out my teeth, tripping over the stairs 😀

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