#agmalHomeStead - Betta fish, ornamental fish, and guppy fish.

Enjoy the holiday of friends, may be a fun day for you with the family.

In this holiday I just spend my time at home with family, nothing special, but to fill the spare time, I spend my time with my guppy fish collection.

imageThis is the aquarium where I keep the fish, because the fish capacity is still very small so for a while I keep it in the aquarium, later one day if this has started a lot I will make the pond.

imageInside this tub there are so many children of fish that have just hatched, until hundreds of fish betta fish are inside the tub.
At first I just for fun to keep this betta fish, I bought two pairs fish in the market. a pair of betta fish, and another pair is guppy fish

I am glad that this fish has its own appeal, with its long, beautiful tail that makes me want to take care of them.

imageAs time goes by, these fish fish begin to grow up so that now it becomes very much at all, these are some male guppy fish that have a very beautiful tail.

imageIn this aquarium there are also a lot of male and female guppy fish that live in the same aquarium, maybe one day I will make a pool for them. So I can easily separate the fish fish by type.


imageNot only betta fish and guppy fish here, but there are also ornamental fish that are often inside the house that is kept in an aquarium that is used to beautify the room.

Waah ,,, I did not expect that would be as much as this, originally from a fad idly to finally become a small small business which fish fish can be sold in the market as an ornamental fish.

imageThis is one of the hickey fish I have, this fish has its own charm with a beautiful color and tail that can expand when they meet with their opponent.

imageFrom fad and now a positive activity, where I always monitor, give them bait, and prepare a place for them to make their offspring.

imageHow beautiful they are, I'm sure you all are also happy with this type of fish, like the fish above that has the main color red, very make our eyes fresh.

imageAnd this is all my small business that started from a fad just, hopefully you all amused with my posting.

And once again I congratulate the holidays with family, may be a fun day for you and your family.

Thank you for giving me upvote and comments all of you is an input and motivation for myself. Stay tuned for my next post. And do not forget to follow me @agmalirsadi

Monday, November 25, 2017
At 14:0 am WIB

Best regard

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