Story of My Life on DTube, Part One. La Vida de Juancito

How did you end up on the streets?

You saw where I was one month ago. Many comments have asked how this happened. I told this story to my closest friends and now to you. This is not easy to talk about but I choose to stay with the good times in my mind and not to think about the bad times.

I now have so much hope to sleep in a bed with a roof to protect me from rain, thank God, thanks to the friend filming me now, and especially to all of you who take the time to watch and read. Thank you for continuing to comment and vote on my posts. I am able to be clean now, with new clothes and new blankets. Soon to have a home.

Here is the video series in English and Spanish

Hola amigos. Voy a hablar de un de tema mas levantado en los comentarios. No es facil hablar de ese tema pero ustedes me escuchan y veo que merecen saber a quien estan apoyando y como llegue al punto en donde estaba hace un mes. Por fin tengo la esperanza de tener una cama y techo, gracias a Dios. Muchas gracias por la ayuda de el que me esta filmando, y tambien a ustedes por tomar el tiempo de mirar, leer, comentar y votar a mi post.

▶️ DTube

Thank you so much - Mil gracias


You can also read the story from September 2018 about how I met Steemit.

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