Steemit Homeless Outreach using Public Libraries?

Hello all,

My name is Brandon and I go by living-freedom here on Steemit. My user name is from the podcast I started last year called Living Freedom Podcast. Anyway was driving to work today and had an idea. I'm not sure if someone has already thought of this or not or has already started doing this but here it goes. Why don't we try and talk to public libraries and see if they wouldn't mind giving the homeless crowd a little more time, frequency on the free public library use generally available at most public libraries. I live in Rochester MN and personally know 3 librarians there pretty good, our kids play together on the weekends. Gonna do a Bitcoin public forum soon but that's another story.

Some issues I see.....

1.) Homeless people generally don't have a means to take pictures. Usually they don't have cameras or smart phones and usually no phones at all. Is there any way we could address this that I don't know about? I know that we could probably donate webcams to the libraries so they could at least use those while at the computer terminals. Any suggestions??

2.) Homeless people usually aren't too tech savvy as they don't have day to day access to laptops, smart phones. Depending on how long they have been homeless and their age, they would need some help understanding how to convert steem to BTC and eventually to $$. Local bitcoins would probably be an option to get to $$. Or of course I would buy BTC off of them if they wanted some cash. Any suggestions??

I really want to do this. Anybody have any ideas, or other concerns.

A little background about me...

I was homeless for around 10 years. I know what it's like to live in a bush and eat out of the garbage. I know that it's hard to keep anything for too long on the street. I at least twice left my backpack on the bus and lost everything. It's easy to lost everything you own when all you have fits in a bag. Many times you can't take a big bag into stores or other places so you try and hide it in a bush or somewhere and someone else takes it. Not much love on the streets sometimes. Anyway keep some of this in mind. I really feel as if this is executed right, this could help so many homeless people. Just like us they have so many stories to share. And many times better stories.

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