A Crazy day

Yesterday was a super hectic day with the house work. I had to send a lot of my goods to my new home from my city home. The new home is in a place called Karandoli village, which is like 2 hours away from the city and it's in a remote location. To buy things from there is a challenge so I had called for everything that I needed there for my utilities and then plan to send it by a truck. The last few days it was raining at Karandoli site and the road had become mucky so I was waiting for that window when the road would become dry and I could send my goods. There is a good road but that is under repair right now for the next 10 days so we have to use the alternative village road which is not a good one.

The caretaker called me up yesterday morning mentioning that the road is in a better condition and before that it again rains I should send my stuff. I immediately called the transport service who provides trucks and tempos for such requirements and arranged for a truck. The service was prompt and the truck arrived within an hour. I had a lot of things to send, from some furniture to kitchen utilities and overall home stuff. Since last 1 month I have been buying everything and just dumping it at home. One of my whole room was filled up, everything was already packed in cartons so it was convenient to load up. It was a lot of stuff and thankfully I had help, else for me alone to shift everything from my first floor to the truck would have been impossible.

Once arranged it looks little but it's all put on top of each other so you cannot make out.

It took us almost 1.5 hours to get everything loaded on the truck. I was exhausted by the time we completed, because of the heat it was getting bad, but then it had to be done. On finishing the driver told me that he would take around 3 to 3.5 hours to reach the destination. It was almost 5 hours since he left and still not reached and I started getting worried, if everything was ok. I tried calling him couple of times and he would not even take my call. After 5 hours finally he attended my call and I was quite furious by then. After 6 hours he reached the destination, he had lost his way.

When he reached Karandoli, over there I had arranged for help again to unload the goods. Finally everything was delivered and I had a relief. Now tomorrow I shift there and start arranging everything. I am sure it's going to be 2 to 3 crazy days till I get all the cartons opened up and arranged.

All the major work is completed now it time for finishing touches and arranging everything and lastly cleaning it up. Phew then I can rest.

Thank you for visiting my blog. πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸŒΉπŸŒΊπŸŒΈ



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