EASY - Cleaning that Burnt On Caked On Baked On Crud from Your Cookware

Trick 1 - Laundry Soap Method

Put your pan back on the stove and fill with at least 2 inches of water. Add 2-3 tbsp. dry soap such as laundry soap or dishwasher soap. Do not use liquid soap, unless your interested in cleaning your entire stove and area for it will foam more than desired. Boil soap mixture for 8-10 minutes and reduce heat to simmer for 8-10 minutes. You should see the crud rising to the top. Remove from stove and pour off soap. The remaining crud should come off with ease.

Trick 2 - Vinegar & Baking Soda

Put your pan back on the stove and fill with a layer of water equal to be about 1/4" to 1/2" of water. Add 1-2 oz. of vinegar to the pan and bring to boil. Remove the pan from the heat and sprinkle a few tsp baking soda which will create fizzing. After a few minutes pour out contents and clean remaining crude. If necessary use dry baking soda on the final cleaning. Salt may be substituted for baking soda.

Trick 3 - Coca-Cola

Simply boil the cola on the stove, and scrape the crud away. Coca-cola can be used to soak a cloth and placed on the outer portion of cookware that may require attention. After a few hours, the crud should be softened for easier removal.

Trick #4 - Salt and Lemon Juice

Prepare on a saucer, a small pile of course salt, adding lemon juice to coat the salt but not to drench it. Allow this to sit for 5 minutes. Use this as a cleaning agent to remove unsightly cooked on gunk where boiling is not optimal.

Images: Google images Labeled for reuse

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