Autumn Vibes


I’m on an interior design kick which is why you haven’t been getting any self portraits or really any photography content from me in a while. Have patience when I build the home into a space where everything can be a gorgeous backdrop for pictures.

I brought in a few little decor pieces to add warmth and life to the house this week and what a difference does it make. I don’t think there is ever a week anymore where I’m not doing something interior design related and moving forward in creating my dream home.

I’ve been paying a lot of attention to colours, more than ever before and the results are paying off. I have a pretty clear colour palette in mind for each room and mostly the rooms will also work together without anything majorly clashing. I’m just trying to not make everything green, dark wood and gold, it’s hard when those go so so well together.

There was a period when I lived in the city when my apartments were pretty fucking bland and Scandinavian but now I have returned to my true love and decorate like I live in an old mansion and have a fancy title.


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