Are you prepared to open your mind up for this one? Take a read and try to prove they do exist.

Satellites and how they may not really even exist has fascinated me and for the last two years, myself and those around me have been looking into this question deeper and deeper. A great article is posted below that goes into great detail. Please take the time to read this article and start your journey down this rabbit hole. I will leave you with a quote from the article...

"How convenient it was that Clarke’s 2001 A Space Odyssey was made into a movie by Stanley  Kubrick in 1968 and the Apollo 11 moon landings were faked by Kubrick in 1969. One could surmise that 2001 A Space Odyssey was a “dry-run” prior to Apollo. It also smacks of predictive programming with a little MK-Ultra mixed in. 2001 A Space Odyssey was the primer for the Apollo hoax. Since we know from part 1 that the ISS is fake, than I posit that all satellites are illusory and don’t exist. The only thing that exists are the profit margins of the Khazarian Mafia. Satellites are pseudoscience and there is no credible evidence that they exist. No actual photos, no actual video footage, only CGI/Pixar/Photoshop satellites. The staunch evidence that satellites do not exist is paradoxically simple because there’s no credible proof they do exist."

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