Some very dodgy shit going on on the hive-blockchain !

Lets have a look at this account ,

It managed somehow to get in my wallet and Hive-engine .
Where it started powering down my staked hive and transferred the liquid hive to himself , of witch you can find a note on his transfers page in the link given above .

4 days ago Received 8.550 HIVE from small1axe

From my Hive-engine he took 645 scrap coins and started up till 2 times to unstake the staked 4000 scrap i have . The 62 dollars worth in BTC i had , he took to .

I don't even wanna mention Splinterlands here , took a fast peak ,.. 120.000 nft card power , all gone . Game over for me !
Now i do not make this post in hope to ever get back what was stolen from me .
It was stolen and i will have to deal with that . Complaining and feeling the victim never helps with that . So i did a little investigation in the whole being stolen question and the account(s) connected to it . @sepa666

I consider my own wrong doing in my online defenses to be there , but do see some odd things going on with the @sepa666 wallet account .


Just ten of hundreds of not for long active accounts that all suddenly decide to transfer there coins to @sepa666 . WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE !!!!

@hivewatchers and all involved in Hive governance in any sorts of way , you all might wanna take a good look in to this . Hive seems to be a hackers paradise as leak as the Titanic open to plunder unseen .
I am aware now and will , true more investigations and posts , do my best to warn others , on and of Hive , about my findings so they can act accordingly to this info .

I wish all a wonderful day .

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