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"My Hivewatchers blacklist. My apology to the Hive community."

Hola, Gracias por la informacion suministrada en @hivewatchers/why-and-how-people-abuse-and-plagiarise
y gracias a ella he entendido la importancia de proteger los derechosde autor y el trabajo que se hace detras de el telon pra mantener la plataforma libre de plagio.

Pido disculpas a ustedes y a la comunidad home edders por hacer copiado y pegado de la web sin citar lo cual se considera una falta grave.

dejare escritos los link de las publicaciones en lasq que cometi falta.
1.- @gabriel300491/school-at-home-the-heart-of-children-or-or-la-escuela-en-casa-el-corazon-de-los-ninos
2.- @gabriel300491/anatomia-en-casa-con-plastilina-anatomy-at-home-with-plasticine


Hi, Thanks for the information provided at @hivewatchers/why-and-how-people-abuse-and-plagiarise
And thanks to her I have understood the importance of protecting copyright and the work that is done behind the scenes to keep the platform free of plagiarism.

I apologize to you and the home edders community for copying and pasting from the web without citing which is considered a serious offense.

I will leave written the links of the publications in which I made a mistake.
1.- @gabriel300491/school-at-home-the-heart-of-children-or-or-la-escuela-en-casa-el-corazon-de- children
2.- @gabriel300491/anatomia-en-casa-con-plastilina-anatomy-at-home-with-plasticine