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Sharing links and embedded videos is not the same as spam or plagiarism

I have received several replies to my posts from the same bot warning me that my posts are spam. Incidentally the comments all have a broken discord invite link where I could appeal (if only the link worked..).

How is this policy decided? It is absolutely insane to consider the sharing of video links and information to be in the same category as spam. Sharing information - including that which is not your own original content and including content from other platforms - is the basis of social media. It is completely the norm in all successful social media websites - Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and others would be nothing if not for the sharing of links and content created by others.

This policy is self destructive to the community if we wish to build a broad network effect of users - vital if this network is to be mainstream. It cannot be expected that all active posters will create original content, and to demand it is to diminish the pool of potential active users (dramatically, by 90% or more). On what basis is it claimed that the majority of the Hive community opposes the sharing of videos and links as posts?

Sharing links and information is not spam. Sharing has value, spam is defined by being unwanted or not having value.

Sharing links is not the same as plagiarism either. Plagiarism is claiming authorship of content. There is no implicit claim when you share links to the original source and even name the source in your title.
