Trust & Integrity On The Hive Blockchain: #HiveTorch Hand Off.

Hi & #HighFive to everyone reading these words!

I had a surprise today and I want to tell you about it!

@hafiz34, a medical doctor hailing from Bangladesh and working on the health & wellness frontlines of Oman, officially handed me the #HiveTorch along with 353 Hive deposited into my Hive wallet.

This is an initiative hosted by @stayoutoftherz for the purpose of building trust within the Hive Community! I am officially the 311th person to be handed the #HiveTorch!

I think that's pretty cool seeing as we are now 3 days away from the 1 year anniversary of the Hive Blockchain's official launch! πŸš€ I'm also effected deeply because this isn't just a casual hand off... This is a test of the integrity and trust within our Hive community! This doesn't really hit you until your actually handed the torch though!

At first I was just surprised! It felt good knowing that I had built a relationship on the Hive Blockchain where someone trusted me enough to hand me the torch along with the accumulation of value that the community has entrusted to the initiative. It's humbling and an honor. Thank you for your trust @hafiz34!

Next you begin to wonder who you should hand the torch to next. This is a wonderful exercise really! It makes you actually think about who you have rapport with, who you've built solid friendships with, who you can trust! And that's when the responsibility of what this initiative really is all about hits you right between the eyes!

It got me thinking about integrity. A ship that has no integrity is a leaky one at best. It's a craft that you could never trust with your life. You certainly would not gamble the life of your family and friends in a vessel like this and you would never attempt an ocean crossing that much is sure!

In FRIEND-SHIP it's much the same. You find out who is looking at the same stars as you are when it really counts! Just watch peoples actions to see if they line up with the words they say. Friendship is all about 2 friends in the same ship navigating by the same stars! 🌟

Will the ship carry these two adventurers of life in the direction they both want to go? Integrity, after all, is doing what you say your going to do." and THIS is where confidence and trust grows from.

The more we close gaps between us and build the foundations of friendship and trust... the closer we all get to reaching our goals and dreams!

This is what we are doing here on the Hive Blockchain. And this is what the Hive Blockchain makes possible. It's our #rocketSHIP to the #moon! πŸš€πŸŒ

If your looking for meaning in your life... Building integrity and trust into your relationships is where it all begins! It is within this scope that every conversation makes sense, every action you take takes on new life, and you begin to feel like you actually fit into the community... There's a healthy exchange of ideas, information, care. The exchange between you and others is genuine not transactional... And as this sinks in the whole thing becomes wholesome and whole... Every thing comes together... together on the Hive Blockchain!

This line of thought brought me back a couple of years. I was at a business conference. I had walked into the men's room to freshen up and there at the sink doing the same thing I was stood a man I greatly respect and still do! Stephen M. R. Covey was splashing water on his face getting ready to speak! (Who knew the WC was such a good place to meet people right!? πŸ˜†)


Stephen M. R. Covey is a business leader, public speaker, and author of the book "The SPEED of Trust". [MORE INFO]

I knew immediately that I must not waste this chance! I am a firm believer that the quality of ones life is comprised of the quality of the questions one asks, and so that's what I did! I asked a question.

After explaining that I was a fitness trainer, I asked Mr. R. Covey what he was compounding...?

He paused, a bit surprised by my out of the blue question, and then he smiled broadly and said, "I'm compounding TRUST."

You know... those words have always stuck with me ever since.

Now I'm always thinking about how I can "compound trust".

Later I listened as he explained how business organizations "moved at the speed of trust". Low amounts of trust in an economy, company, even country (regardless of its size; big or small.) would always bring everything to a grinding halt. Cultures of high level trust, however, did quite the opposite! They were empowered and super-charged! Trust was the way to #Win!

This is how I think about Hive! This is our chance to band together, #DoubleUP, #TeamUP, and #PowerUP together... and to do it on and around a revolutionary earth altering concept! Decentralized community based, blockchain enabled, censorship resistant, immutable always, proof of brain attention mechanism, owner centric, and cash flowing valuation of content... all on Hive!!!

Not only that... We can compound trust at the speed of digital ones and zeros simultaneously all around the world... transacting with NO FEE's... In fact! In a world where everyone (and I mean EVERYONE!) is stuck in a paradigm where they have to pay to communicate and build trust with each other... We don't! WE GET PAID to do all of that HERE ON THE HIVE BLOCKCHAIN!


So tell all your friends (If you don't and Hive does what we think it will... Will they still be your friend when they find out that you didn't tell them?! Think about it!) and family (you care about these people right!?) about what is happening here on Hive! πŸ™‚

There you have it... Just some of my thoughts around trust, the Hive Blockchain, it's community, and the #HiveTorch!

But you know what... I didn't want to leave it there!

Because Hive is nearly 1 years old (T-3 days away!) I wanted to do something special! I wanted to celebrate by #LevelingUP the #HiveTorch from 353 Hive to 500 Hive! I thought that this might be the perfect opportunity to talk about what's happening on Twitter right now! (LIKE RIGHT NOW!)

@nathanmars is busy, day and night, building a tight Twitter community of people who care deeply about the Hive Blockchain. It's called the #Hive5000 Crypto Club!

It's our mission to get the word out there to anyone who will listen. (If they Tweet we meet on Twitter!) Telling people about the merits of our home on Hive is easy and people are really beginning to get behind this. It's becoming a movement I think! We just passed 500 people in the club TODAY in fact!

So how about you!? Are you on Twitter? Do you believe in Hive's long term future and value? Are you excited to meet new people? Do you want to do new and exciting things with new and exciting people from all around the globe?

Then maybe think about joining us! #Hive5000 Crypto Club I'll make a point of welcoming you personally if you do decide to join us! Just let @nathanmars know that your interested in being part of the club!

Speaking of which... You guessed it right!?

I'm handing off the #HiveTorch to @nathanmars! πŸ™Œ

πŸš€πŸš€Let's all #JoinUP #DoubleUP, #TeamUP, and #PowerUp for $1 Hive on Hive's 1 year launch anniversary date!πŸš€πŸš€ March 20, 2021!!! And let's all do it at the speed of trust because trust can fuel any mission to the moon!🌝

πŸ™Œ Everybody! #HighFive Everybody! πŸ™Œ

Certified Personal Trainer
Fitness Entrepreneur

As well, I am a #HighFive collaborator with @NathanMars on Twitter and the creative mind behind the WIN SYSTEM. πŸ™Œ


Limited edition #NFT by @pacolimited depicting @nathanmars and myself boosting to the moon in #rocketSHIPS! It's over the top but the timing couldn't be better right!?

πŸ‘‡Like it? Click it! πŸ‘‡

πŸš€πŸš€ Let's #JoinUP, #DoubleUP, and #PowerUP Around The World On Hive!πŸš€πŸš€

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