Hive and Hive Engine Power Up Day - July 2023

Hey Hivers,

It's that time again, Hive Power Up Day! I very rarely miss it, just once since December 2020! So here I am again for the July 2023 edition. And of course it was also the conclusion of another Power Up Month, the fifth in a row for me! As far as my account goes, the more things change, the more they stay the same! Consistency is once again the main take away. But let's check its details, its growth, and the various goals and targets.


Like we always do, let's start with Hive. For the first time in a while, or maybe ever, I took out a few HBD from my Savings, so I could convert it back to Hive at a good price. That means I could power up a little bit more than usual for HPUD, and still keep some liquid Hive for the next couple of months.

It might sound strange to push some HBD to my savings again, even this tiny amount. But this was purely symbolic, and to keep the tradition of adding to my HBD savings every HPUD.

As often, except for a couple of tiny spikes (most likely due to delayed claiming of rewards or slightly better performing posts), the growth was very consistent. Just like last month, almost a straight line! And just like last month, slightly faster than previously. Although after two months, maybe that's the new normal pace. Starting at 3665HP, I was able to add 96HP, to reach 3761HP. So close to adding 100HP! You might remember I revised my daily target to 3HP some time ago, and it is obviously above, yay!!

And now, adding today's Power-Up, that is a total of 3778HP. 3digits monthly growth two months in a row, I like it and I really hope I can keep this up. The conclusion stays the same: steady and consistent increase. But now the slight acceleration from last month is confirmed.


I am still not sure what happened with the proposals trying to revamp the SportsTalkSocial tribe. But one thing for sure is I kept staking every SPORTS I could get and like I said many times, this strategy is probably not about to change. My SPORTS Power is now around 14.3M. That's an increase of 534k for the month, almost identical to last month, and of course above my 500k target. This is starting to sound repetitive, but just like last month: consistent growth with a slight acceleration!


I am going to say it right now, it is pretty much the same for ALIVE as well. The We Are Alive Tribe is still great and like their project #AliveAndThriving. This month, in addition to all the staking and delegating rewards, and of course the posting/engagement rewards, I also won a couple of drawings, allowing me to add more than 500AP to my stake. Now my total Power is about 9650 and the 10k milestones is just around the corner, well next month I hope.


  • Last month, I thought it might be too challenging to increase my target to 3 daily HP, but since it was reached again, I will keep it for now
  • Same for SPORTS. The 500k monthly target was reached two months in a row, let's go for the three-peat!
  • I doubt I can repeat the same growth for ALIVE, but I think 400AP added to my stake monthly is still doable.
  • Very slow accumulation on several drip tokens, I am still not setting any target for them. However, I am monitoring DHEDGE a bit more as it seems to be going in the right direction currently.
  • Same story for Diesel pools. Adding small amounts here and there. The $ value seems kind of stuck for a while now, but that's okay.
  • The growth in my LOLZ stake accelerated. With about 2090, that's 256 LOLZ added in June. My target was only 5 a day! If I can add 200 more in July, maybe it will become part of the more detailed tokens above.
  • Another token that I started slowly accumulating is PHOTO. Now at 4699, my stake is growing. I will monitor it for a couple more months, before it might also get a section in the more detailed tokens.
  • Same for CTP, my stake is still very small, but we'll see if I can accelerate this one.

And that is it, another month goes by. The conclusion is essentially identical to last month: consistent and steady growth, with a confirmed slight acceleration. Like I said last month, let's keep this momentum going!
Hope all is going well for you, on to July now!

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