Weekly Report #1 - Pizza Scholarship of Hashkings

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Hello everyone! 😊

How are you doing?

As I already told you, I have been accepted for a Hashkings Scholarship in our Pizza Community! So this is the first weekly report about it. I am member of team "Huzzah`s Herbalists!" Obviously the best team! 😛


I am really new to the game and don´t really know much about it yet. So all I did was planting 15 seeds, watering them and waited for one week until the were done. 😃 There are many more functions to the game, but it´s good for me to just be able to start slow and learn the game step by step. Well here we go with the report!

This week has been a fine week on the Pizza Guild Farms! The crops are growing, the sun is shining, and the buds are looking tasty! We've had a bumper crop this week from our plots across the region! Check out our yields on the guild plots below!

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The stash grows! The fields are tended! I harvested 4936 BUDS in total. 70% of these gains goes straight in my pocket, but before I start to invest these, I need to know more about the game first.

I will look into how to level up my avatar next.

Looking forward to another great crop this week!

Best regards,


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