Introducing Hive Offline Mode


Have you ever wanted to keep up with trending on Hive but you don't have stable Internet service? Do you have a metered connection and have to limit your bandwidth usage?

Introducing Hive Offline Mode!

Hive Offline Mode is a new protocol I have built that allows you to use Hive with or without Internet. By using a licensed version of the Middle-Out compression algorithmn, you can download the entire Hive blockchain on any modern device that is able to access the Internet. Even mobile phones!


Tom has been working with me to test out Hive Offline Mode. Tom told me he spends at least 4 hours a day reading posts on Hive. Tom travels a lot though and said this makes it difficult to keep up with the latest trending posts. After a lot of research I found a way to allow him to view the latest posts on Hive even while flying cross country with Spirit Airlines.

While Tom is an Apple fanboi, he tends to travel with a low tech phone when leaving the country for security reasons. Using a low tech phone posed a lot of problems accessing Hive the traditional way. But with Hive Offline Mode, he is able to engage with the community as if he was sitting at his desk at home.


Tom has been beta testing Hive Offline Mode on his Nokia 3310 for the last 3 months. This is what Tom has to say about Hive Offline Mode.

"Hive Offline Mode has allowed me to keep up with the latest drama on Hive while on the go. It's amazing, I am always connected!"
- Tom


Middle-Out compression is what makes this all possible using Tip to Tip technology. I won't bore you with the details, but it is wicked good, especially on low power devices like the Nokia 3310. Never before has this been possible with 32-bit CRC algorithm traditionally used by most compression tools. Hive Offline Mode supports both Apple and Android devices as well as Windows, Mac, and Linux desktops.

With the ability to schedule posts and responses, you can easily offload your ideas when you get back on the Internet. Even with poor Internet connection, Hive Offline Mode will compress your posts and comments so you can send them even over 3G!

If you want to try Hive Offline Mode out, just visit Hive Offline Mode is completely free and is available now as part of an open beta.

Check it out, and if you have any questions hop on the official Hive Offline Mode Discord Server.

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