While the Nigeria as a country is in a turbulent political season where dust have been so raised, wallowing and confusion, desperations and conception, misconceptions, alienations and contours, permutations has been drawn from different angles across different parties but while we yet watch the game unfold in series and sub-titles, no one should dare paint that picture without the immediate past Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan.


Rumours sometimes do carry elements of truth but no one could spot it quite easily looking at the contradictions from party to religious background, affiliates to political inclinations, no one could have joined Mr. Johnathan or link it to the present Nigeria's politicking not less consider his return to Aso rock. Quite many people had firmly argued that indeed there is a secrete in the present government that needs to be concealed on a high profile gentleman understanding while hoping the image and pride of Nigeria be preserved on the platter of seeking a very soft landing that would make Nigeria take a step backward for momentum to rise so that the bold step can be fixed on a frim ground, no other person can deliver except a man prudent and calm who's peaceful nature will sure radiate putting things right and firm, this is just a flimsy thought, please don't take it too far, but rather ask yourself .......Why Would Goodluck Accept a Return to Aso Rock.


From the body language and the rhythm of music, Nigeria looks a country which a particular set of people, tribe and language seeks to dominate, alienate, acts to conquer and seeks total claim(s) over a country with the most diverse set of indigenous and traditional backgrounds, even the most heterogeneous society in Africa. Nigeria as a country looks more divisible than it has ever been in its history, in its diversity even the most united are now in disperse. Acorss Party lines actions and inactions are conflicting the Nigerian Constitution, while Laws and policy enforcement seeks to favour certain persons, laws are twisted and watered to suit personal gains, aims and ambitions. Should I say that this country seems aimless in policies and focus, but no I would rather consider myself over exaggerating the general out looks, because I am beclouded by expectations and hopeful of a better country than what we have at the present regime, believe me I am wrong.

Recently, after a close door meeting which I believe will birth the course of actions and reshape the leadership of Nigeria held at Aso rock just of recent, get it right, so many meetings have been held from dinner to expression of interest, declarations and consultations but these meetings are no way near the weight of the last meetings of the Head of State. A meeting which has ushered in the Conesus of Johnathan can not be held by any other set of persons or group other than the very past head of states of Nigeria, these are the big boys, the game changers and the movers and shakers as far as Nigeria is concern. Take it to the bank, this is where the Johnathan accord was signed and sealed, for he is coming back. He will be back at Aso rock, the return of the lucky one, a man full of passion for his dear country.


So don't paint that picture without him for the accord has been sealed, he will be back but will is second coming be a good omen for Africa's most populous nation or will he be consumed by the forces and powers that be, even the same powers that made him to resign voluntarily. A cew days after the meeting, just days ago, a pressure group mobilised to his office asking him to declay his intensions and run for the highest position in Nigeria, looks like a real drama, yes I did say the events and trending happenings are in scenes and sub-titles, some of them carry with them subtitles than are very clear and readable if you care to follow them. His respond was that the process is still on, this which can be interpreted as ..options are truly open for my return.As I write, the present ruling party has in the news suspended the sells of forms/ declaration of interest for the office of the President, a hand writing that looks more like what has been copied from the very meeting I forementioned. Again follow the story its just a fiction but lets watch it unfold.

Johnathan may be back so while painting the very picture of who leads Nigeria come next year put in mind that the painting should not be without immediate past Nigerian President Goodluck Johnathan.

Many thanks for reading my Blog

N/B: All photos sourced from Pixabay-nigeria

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