

Objective: Build and maintain a Java API for Hive.

Start date: June 21, 2023
Duration: 1 Year

What does Hive need?


That's right, more nerds.

What kind of nerds you ask? Java nerds. There are millions of them out there but almost none of them code for Hive.

"Why not?", you ask inquisitively.

Well, because there are no roads or bridges leading them here. In the tech world, these 'bridges' are called APIs. With such a bridge, an adept Java nerd can spin up an application for Hive in less than a day. That's why I've taken the initiative to propose building one.


I plan on calling this bridge: Hive Jump. It will take them straight to our metropolis.

J.U.M.P = Java Unionisation of MetroPollintans

MetroPollintans are a majestic class of pollinators within Hive's metropolis. How's that for a new buzzword? Ok, I'll stop with the puns.

Hive Jump will be as convenient as possible for Java developers. It's destined to be written 100% in native Java. The benefits of that are:

  • Zero learning-curve for Java developers. (9+ million worldwide)
  • Increased performance and compatibility. (eg. Android mobile devices)
  • Maintainability (very few dependencies, no middleware)

Didn't someone already create a Java API for Hive?

Not really.

That project was abandoned years ago and it doesn't work. Also, it's only a wrapper that uses Javascript (not the same as Java) under the hood to do all the heavy lifting. That developer remains anonymous and inactive since 2020.

Here's a visual representation of its current state:


Shark infested waters below: cross at your own peril.

How much will it cost to build Hive Jump?


My expertise doesn't come cheap, nor the building materials. Especially, in these inflationary times that we're living in. Have you seen the price of rebar lately? It's gone through the roof!

Ok, let me go grab a marker and start doing some math. Hmmm... first I find the price of a cup of coffee, take its reciprocal, multiply it by the number of keystrokes per day, carry the 2.


That comes out to about:

450 HBD daily - for 1 year.

Math doesn't lie.

The good news is that most of the scaffolding for Hive Jump is already in place. That's because I've been working on this project before Hive was even born. I would say that I've put in hundreds of hours building it, making sure everything I propose is feasible.

Here's a list of Operations that currently work on Hive Jump:

  • vote
  • comment
  • comment_options
  • custom_json
  • claim_reward_balance
  • account_update2
  • transfer
  • delegate_vesting_shares
  • claim_account
  • feed_publish
  • account_update

As you can see, one can already do a lot with Hive Jump but it still lacks numerous operations. I also need to polish, refactor the code, and write tons of:

  • JUnit Tests
  • JavaDoc
  • Plaintext documentation

Even though Hive Jump is still in it's infancy stage, I will publish the code on GitHub within 10 days after the proposal is active and approved by the DAO.

If everything goes smoothly, the proposal should start on June 21, 2023 -- The Summer Solstice. 🔆


Jump ~ Van Halen

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