What Does Hive Mean To Me? It's all I ever wanted... 💍


Greetings #Hivees,
I created this post to reply to the What Does Hive Mean to Me? Initiative by @theycallmedan.

What is HIVE to you?

To me HIVE is the Bitcoin of Blockchain social media, in fact is much more than this and I'm telling you why.

Everything has begun in 2017; in 2017 I've started studying Blockchain technology and I converted my first euro to Bitcoin.
I've understood the ideological and democratic importance of this digital value, and this thing seemed to be foolish and smart at the same time, but I did not realized yet all the benefits, virtues and fields of use that this technology could bring into the everyday life.

I studied a lot in order to understand how to buy Bitcoin in a safe way, indeed, at that time, didn't exist many Italian articles and everything seemed to be so difficult. I bought my first 200 euros of Bitcoin on Coinbase, and, from that moment, it opened up a totally unexpected world to me...

In 2018 I discovered Lunyr project, whose aim was to open a decentralized sort of Wikipedia; it appeared a very clever use of the Blockchain.

Soon, I understood that technology is not all, in fact every successful project needs people who use it and developers capable of concretely realize the idea.
I left the project after some articles because the platform was difficult to use and with a lots of problems.
Miners, developers and users are the the core of the Blockchain and their cooperation is the key to success. But technology alone is not enough.

During my one of my exploration into the Blockchain, I found Steemit and it seemed a dream; everything worked in the right way, there were a lot of users, and they were really active, and, moreover, it didn't have all that problems that Lunyr had!
I've started writing my firsts articles about a year ago, and I remember it was a very user-friendly platform, highly populated and it gave to me huge satisfaction.
It was love at first sight!!
Thanks to this amazing community I've learnt a lot of thing about Blockchain, I've seen so many people giving their daily contributes to make the project great and more workable and creating apps to promote usability and I've also seen people who organized contest or developed video-games...
Steemit was to me the first place where live and breath the Blockchain technology, to me it was the real Cryptoland!
Steemit, its community, its values are so important to me that I can't see my life without it anymore!

I thought that the arrival of Justin Sun could bring more fame and users on Steemit web, but we soon realized that the true spirit of Steemit was missing; Steemit wall was plenty of posts against the acquisition and the users reported the manoeuvres to controll the Witness. Steemit was falling apart.

In exactly something like this, Blockcahin shows her dependence on the users; in a normal company every employee has to obey orders of Justin Sun, because, you know, business is business.
But Steemit is much more than a normal company, Steemit is a community, maybe the biggest and better prepared on all the Blockchain stuff, and the response it gave to Sun, it deserves applause.

Soon, HIVE appeared in our lives; it was born with the same purpose of Steem, but with the aim to keeping the promises.
I think that HIVE's fork will go down in the history thanks to all the people behind this project who gave a powerful signal to all those who were used to live in a centralized world:

  • Justin Sun and others businessmen have learnt that people united by the same ideals, thanks to Blockchain technology, could be stronger than millions and millions of dollars.
  • people will understand that, thanks to Blockchain, censorship might disappear.
  • people will understand that the projects in a uncentralized system might be more transparent, flexible and faster.
  • They will understand that the Blockchains are immortal; if people continue to use them, nothing can stop them, because the way to start over it will always be.

To me HIVE is everything that a Blockchain should be; democraric, transparent, decentralized, dinamic.

To me HIVE and its community is a real treasure and I'm so glad I found it! 🙌

What do you want to see HIVE evolve into?

I think that the HIVE's potential is huge, especially for the people who are behind and who have made this possible.
I don't know how this project could evolve; what I would like is to continue on this path, lead by great developers and visionaries united with one common purpose.
This fork thought us that our value is bigger than we could image; this fork will help to clean up all those people who would never helped the growth of decentralized world. .
I wish that HIVE could be the safe house for all Blockchain developers and it could be the gateway to a brand new Internet.

The premises are really interesting, but now it is our duty to grow HIVE and make our new safe house ever more pleasant. ,

What do you think about having a large funded DAO for future HIVE development?

I think that having a DAO is necessary in order to introduce this project to the world.
People behind the project have already shown how much they care about the principles for which Steemit was born; so, having a DAO to program future development is the demonstration of the quality of this project, project that aims to ambitious and concrete goals and it doesn't hide itself behind the identity of a Ned or a Sun.

What does HIVE mean to you?

To me HIVE means “decentralization” and full power to the Blockchain.
What if a good Blockchain project became a centralized one or if it was spoiled by someone?

HIVE gave to me the answer, the best answer of all.

In the Blockchain world, people couldn't be bought nor couldn't be censured.
And we showed it to the entire world.

Thanks to all the Community's users, to all the developers who made this magic possible.

I look forward to starting this new adventure with all of you.
Let the voyage begin! 💁

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