Testnet 2 HF24 Eclipse: migration & surprise



Yep, I decided to start with the surprise 😋

Because I can do it, I did it 😁.

Okay, well, good for you... What the hell did you do?

Oh nothing, just a quick thing I made with Angular 10 and NodeJS for those who are curious to see the Testnet 2 blockchain in action because I thought it was fun to do it 😂

Then, for those who would like to see the Testnet 2 Live stream of block production of the HF24 it's here: http://hf24.mintrawa.com/

Don't hesitate to go and take a look to see how the blocks are produced by @holger80, @yabapmatt, @roelandp, @deathwing, @engrave, @arcange, @someguy123's servers.

Feel free to show to the world that you're ready for this new adventure in the universe of Hive with the tag #HiveHF24ready on all social media and social networks 🎉

What have I learned today? That I was crazy to think that I would find a better javascript library for Hive than the one Johan Nordberg made. Its javascript library remains far ahead of the others and thanks to @good-karma (you made the right choice) and its dhive version it continues to be at the top.

Unfortunately there is no STEMGeeks Hackathon from @themarkymark at the moment, otherwise I would have participated đŸĨē

Migration to Testnet 2

To avoid at most any problem, I will follow the post of @howo and now use the TCP port 2002 for my node server on Testnet 2.

Step I - Disabling my witness on the Testnet 1

I know that we're on a testnet and that it's not necessary, but it's better to have this kind of practice because in a production environment, it's important! It saves you from missing blocks when you have to do maintenance on the server!

To do this in the cli_wallet I used the update_witness command with the specific address TST1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm (the change here with the production environment are the 3 characters at the beginning TST for testnet and STM for production.

unlocked >>> update_witness "mintrawa" "https://toolbox.mintrawa.com/" "TST1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm" {"account_creation_fee":"0.000 TESTS","maximum_block_size":65536,"sbd_interest_rate":0} true

And I get the answer (details of the block taking into account my request)

  "ref_block_num": 1532,
  "ref_block_prefix": 2608235698,
  "expiration": "2020-08-28T20:49:30",
  "operations": [[
        "owner": "mintrawa",
        "url": "https://toolbox.mintrawa.com/",
        "block_signing_key": "TST1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm",
        "props": {
          "account_creation_fee": "0.000 TESTS",
          "maximum_block_size": 65536,
          "hbd_interest_rate": 1000,
          "account_subsidy_budget": 797,
          "account_subsidy_decay": 347321
        "fee": "0.000 TESTS"
  "extensions": [],
  "signatures": [
  "transaction_id": "b139d41e602432082ed7913a445bc72761cf270f",
  "block_num": 67069,
  "transaction_num": 1

Step II - Stop hived & delete directories

Because I used 2 specific directories (~/build and ~/bin), I deleted only these 2 directories.

Step III - Switch branch & build

First switch to restore_fix branch with git pull && git checkout restore_fix

In case of doubt do a git status and check the answer, it will be like this

Your branch is up to date with 'origin/restore_fix'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

Step IV - Build hived

Starting from this point, I did the same thing as before.

I checked the version and got this

:~/build$ ~/bin/hived --version
  "version" : { "hive_blockchain_hard_fork" : "1.25.0", "hive_git_revision" : "af279f324e249a41411653247861ce031244cd09" }

Step V - Running

Run the command: export HIVE_HF24_TIME=1598817600 && ~/bin/hived -d testnethf24

I checked that everything was fine:


Answer of the Witnesses list query (this time, I activated my witness after setting it in config.ini đŸ¤Ŗ)


Answer of the content of bloc 11336 query

My Testnet 2 HF24 server




Live stream of block production


Thanks for reading :)

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Testnet HF24 Eclipse: Feedback about my installation 👍
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[MTW Toolbox] A new view of witnesses 👨‍đŸ’ģ


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My witness presentation: @mintrawa a Gen X - Geek 🤓 Gamer 🎮 Traveler ⛩ī¸ Witness
Upvote for my witness: https://toolbox.mintrawa.com/witnesses/@mintrawa or click here via HiveSigner

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