My Favorite Musical Instrument

Hello everyone ,I'm excited to be in @hiveghana community and it's my pleasure to participate in this week's contest and i will like to share with you the instrument i would like to play.

Musical instrument are almost universal components of human culture. A musical instrument can be said to be a device created or made to make musical sounds. Examples of these musical instruments include drums, guitar ,flute, keyboard ,trumpets, saxophone, violin, etc.

Playing a musical instrument is or can be fun. Playing a musical instrument comes with lot of benefit such as reducing stress and also sharpens one's memory. It lifts one's spirit and it also gives a sense of true satisfaction. Being able to play any musical instrument is satisfying. I personally believe that if there's one thing anyone should learn in his or her lifetime, it’s how to play an instrument.

After much thought, I decided the violin was the best instrument for me because it has a beautiful and unique sound.

VIOLIN-The Instrument I Would Like To Go For
Ever since childhood, I have always dreamed of playing the violin but i did not get the chance to. I would choose violin over and over because it's not just a mere instrument to me but an instrument that conveys melodies that uplift my spirit especially when played by a lady.

It is more than just an instrument, listening to the sound that comes from it seems like a therapy. It is a timeless compassion that gives deep meaning and healing to the soul. Participating in this contest, has stirred up the desire for me to learn how to play the musical instrument of my choice which is the violin.

This post was inspired by the weekly Hive-Ghana contest. Thanks for reading, please feel free to comment, upvote, reblog.

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