Planting Lavender seeds

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Lavender - an extremely fragrant plant that is widely used in medicine, aromatherapy, cooking, flower and plant arrangements.

The meaning of the word "lavare" from Latin is "wash". It is given to her because of the feeling of purity and lightness that she creates.

In the language of flowers, the word lavender means devotion, luck, success, happiness.

I planted a few Lavender seeds, which I soaked in water beforehand.

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I put them in a pot with soil, that I had previously watered.

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I wrapped them in foil and placed them in a sunny and warm place.

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Lavender seeds germinate in 2 to 4 weeks.

When the plants grow several pairs of leaves (after about 2 months), they can be transplanted to their permanent place.

Let's see if the seeds are good and will germinate.

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