Daffs! - March 18, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

Winter's back - temp 26F crop March 2024.jpg

Winter’s back…sigh…

Not much interesting around here since Thursday. Friday was exercise class and I came home and slept. Saturday I worked on bills/budget most of the day. Sunday I went shopping first thing with my brother to get a corned beef, as I’d not made one this year. I’m out of beef, I discovered. We picked up fish cakes for supper, prosciutto for the chicken recipe we’d not yet made, and corned beef for Wednesday’s supper.

Then I worked on the bills/budget and got it all done except backing up. The DVD burner in the new computer isn’t hooked up so backing up will have to wait until Tom can get to the DVD burner.

South - 1st daffodils crop March 2024.jpg

It was cold and rainy all weekend and I looked at half open daffodils until Sunday night. They had finally opened in the South garden! There are tons more buds throughout the yard.

But this whole week is to be cold and windy so no outside work. I’m pretty busy with exercise classes, events 2 days and appointments. I hope to get more chicken stock made as I have taken out the last quart from the freezer. I’m going to use the roasters for that.

So that’s it for here on the farm on the last day of winter, supposedly…

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