It's ONION Day - GroVid22

First Major Onion Harvest

We eat a surprising amount of Onion throughout the year. I cook with them, make sauces, appetizers, and season more foods than one images.

Last year, I planted the wrong kind... by that I mean, I wasn't paying attention, being my first year, to the different day types. Long Day Onion are ones that need a certain length of day, such as the 14 to 16 or so hours that we get here in the northern hemisphere, depending on what time of the growing year.

Above: Ruby Red Long on left, Pompeii White, and Utah Yellow. I have three more kinds of onion, plus Chives, to harvest.

Above: On February 15th, I planted tons of these tiny onion seed!
Below: Within 3 weeks, this is what I was looking at! About April 1st, I transplanted these onion to Fabric Grow Bags outside.

After 6 or so months, the onion are close to harvest. Becuase I overseeded, meaning planted to close together, I have been picking young onions, to use all along, and allowing others to get larger, and become perfect for storage.

Once the onion green scape, gets soft at the neck and flops over, (NECK must be soft) it's time to harvest them. I leave them outside for a day, to dry out. After that, I peel back the first layer of skin, to remove any dirt, and find a good solid skin layer for a barrier for curing and long term storage. Hanging upside down in a cool dark place is a good way to cure and store them.

Above: Hanging the onion UPSIDE down
Below: today's Harvest, hanging upside down. This helps the moisture drain oout of the green scape, and cures the onions.

Not all my Onions were perfect. some had been knicked or cut, some were starting to get mushy. I only use the good, larger onions, for curing, drying and storage. The other, smaller ones, not being used the next week or two (I'll have a few more onion harvests then), are getting dehydrated, for a jar, to be used in soups and sauces coming up this fall.

Above: Cut up, and removed the flawed bits, cuts, and mushy parts, then layered them onto the Dehydrating tray.
Below: Into the Dehydrator, the onion bits go! I'll do one session at two hours, and shake them... see how they look and most likely, do another session for two more hours.

So far, I believe I've harvest about 10 pounds, (4.5 kilos) of onion, not counting this batch today. I suspect, at least another few harvests, probably one harvest a week over the next month. I will use the Chives, and Red Beard Bunching Onion mostly for Dehydrating.

Still left, some Pompeii White, White Sweet, Ruby Red Onion, and a few more Utah Yellow. MAaaaaybe a few more Ruby Red Long if I dig about a weee bit!

LOTS More to come, from my GroVid22 Gardens!

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It's time to take control of your own food supply,
your own health and your own lives.

The GroVid22 Challenge:
Grow Your OWN is not just a simple short challenge,
it's about taking control of your future!

Happy New Planting and Cheers,

All Photos by Bluefin Studios unless specified.

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