Rising Star: 1,000 Missions and a wunderful new card

In this week I try to run as much missions as I can do for getting my new short goal to get 1,000 Mission done. Sure, I want grab the card pack, but also I want get a lot of exp to reach my next short goal for the following week to be level 45. Then I'm able to do a new mission.

On Thursday morning a got this message:

Yes! And today I opened the pack for my 1,000 missions, here my new cards:

A lot of skill and luck and less new fans, that's what I love! 3 minutes after I opened the pack, a friend congratulated me for the nice cards and this let me looked to my Starbits account. Okay more then 10,000 Starbits that meaned: "Yes, try another pack, the luck is with you my son" ;-) And I did it:


WOW! A brand new EPIC card, it's less then two weeks in this game and I'm one of the first 14 people to have it, great :-)


Ok, so my next short goal to get level 45 is already running, also I want a exp booster card, to next week I think I buy a little plus 10 exp card, because it will help me over a long time periode a lot.

At the last game show I got nothing again, but hey, these cards packs where nice and the show it everytime great, too. So we will see us at sundey evening again!

Oh, I forgot to play the Jumping Jet game, hurry up! ;-)


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