Well-Spent Sunday

Hello Foodies,

Happy Monday to all of you who are anxiously waiting for to go back to offices or some important work during week days. Honestly, I feel so good when the next week gets started due to certain reasons. One of the main reasons is that no one can visit your home during week days so you are free to chill in all 5 days and sorted the things that on pending due to arrival of guests on weekend. There are many other reasons too which I already shared with all of you in my daily blog posts.

Okay, so I recorded of the drinks recipe that I often used to make when I have to drink something good than usual normal days. Btw, I liked to have mango milkshakes all the time during summer season but I do like to drink new coffee drinks too. This is such a relief. I recorded lotus coffee after so many days and it turned out super good. You guys should try the lotus spread along with your coffee. You will love it. <3


This is a Samosa plate which is very popular in our country and it is available all the time whenever you need. Just go to the nearest market where you will find one to two shops of samosa sellers. It is usually eaten during winters, rainy weather, or when some guests are coming over at home. This can be a quick snack if you already have prepared samosas at home and freezed it. All the things you need to do is grab from the freezer and fry in hot oil and serve with the chutney.

My hubby brought this one the way back to home because of weather demands. Nowadays we are having cold weather due to rains that's why we liked to have some fried snacks along with chutney as you can see in the below picture.



"Follow @foodchunk for more such recipes"

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💃 I blog about food recipes that are tested and tried. Follow me if you have the same niche. I would love to have a connection with you. 💃

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