Caramel Pudding + Aesthetic Shoot

Hello Foodies,

Happy Thursday! Just one day away from weekend which put smile on our faces to get rid from tiredness and work stress which we all get during week days for sure. I always prefer to stay calm and cool minded so I can give my 100% to what I work in my field. For this, you should focus on your health and peace. You are the one who can try to stay happy and mentally healthy so you can perform in life tasks easily.

At afternoon, I tried to record some aesthetic shots while making Vanilla Latte which I bought readymade from the stores when I went for monthly grocery last time. I did not try with milk because the hot water was recommended as per the sachet. This is just an empty shot which I take when I was arranging the table for final video. I'll show the rest pictures from the same shoot later.


I also painted another empty glass bottle which I used to propagate money plant. I don't know why I'm experimenting with colours these days. Trying to be more involved into art work as I recently purchased a lot of art supplies and set my study desk to ready for some art work.


I also make a quick Rafhan Pudding which is super yummy. It comes readymade and we just need to put the sachet into boiling milk and transfer into a dish on top of bread slices. I topped it with fresh cream and the caramel sauce which comes with pudding. Looks so tempting....loved to eat such quick desserts.



"Follow @foodchunk for more such recipes"

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💃 I blog about food recipes that are tested and tried. Follow me if you have the same niche. I would love to have a connection with you. 💃

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