Are you going to Hive Fest?


Hours ago, in a comment, @nathanmars asked me whether I'm going to Hive fest and - in all honesty - I haven't decided yet or, to be more precise, I was hardly thinking about it at all.

I Joined the predecessor of Hive
the-one-that-must-not-be-named, that turned to the dark side
in June 2017, almost 5 years ago.
Nevertheless, I have never attended Hive Fest, aside from trying to get the virtual Hive Fest working, with little luck, back in 2020.

I found out that the fest took place in Amsterdam, the year before I joined this community. Then in Portugal, the year before I moved to Portugal. And then, the year after, it was organized in a place too for away for me to attend - Bangkok, Thailand. Or, perhaps, I was mainly short on money that year?
And afterwards, for two years in a row, there was no real live Hive Fest, due to the world gone crazy.

This time it's going to be in Amsterdam, again, and although I am Dutch and Portugal --> Amsterdam isn't that far a distance, I am doubting whether I should go or not...

Perhaps you can convince me?

It would sure help if I knew that some of my Hive friends would be attending. I know a bunch of you live on different continents, unfortunately, and we're in a bear market with still some travel restrictions in place, but still...

It might not stop some of you :<)

One thing's for sure, the more of you plan to make it there, the more tempted I will be to visit myself.

For starters, I just subscribed to the Hive Fest Newsletter. I will also save the date, September 15th-18th, in my calendar. 3 months to go.

I am not really the partying type, I hardly drink alcohol these days and I am not a dancer ( when I don't drink ) nor do I stay up late, but all of that is not an excuse not to go.

I can't help but feel it will be extremely interesting to meet a bunch of - or possibly loads of - you in real life and I have no doubt that it would make me even more excited about a community, blockchain, social media platform and so much more, that I'm already very excited about. It's basically Hive and the people on there, that motivate me to not give up on crypto ( even in the harshest of times ) and it's you guys who feel very much like an extenstion of my family.

I also realize that I could build some kind of holiday around it and save money / save on hotel costs by possibly sleeping at family or friend's places ( not that I have many friends left in The Netherlands but let's say that I've got some options ).

Anyhow, I will put some thought into this. I am even considering to just attend a day or two.

What about you? Will you come to Hive fest? And why should I not miss out on this opportunity? Convince me :<)

Um abraço / dino hug,

Hypersensitivosaurus aka Vincent Nijman

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